Battlefield Grant Advisory Board

Wednesday, February 7, 11:00 am until 1:00 pm
One Avenue A and REMOTE
A meeting of the Battlefield Grant Advisory Committee

ABPP Battlefield Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 11 AM-1 PM

Montague Town Hall

1 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA.

In person and via Zoom

Join the Zoom meeting here:

1. Review and vote minutes from January 10, 2024

2. Administrative updates, if any, from Walter Ramsey

3. Updates from Heritage Consultants, Inc if any.

4. Priority: Brainstorming next steps in the education/outreach phase of this grant cycle

a. What educational content of our research do we wish to highlight/share?

b. What means do we wish to use as vehicles for our content? e.g signage, brochures, walking tours, kiosks, social media, events, curriculum guides, etc

c. A subcommittee to focus on drafting proposals?

d. Other:

5. Further updates from Tribal representatives, advisory board members,public comments, etc

6. Topics not anticipated at the time of posting:

Submitted by D. Brule, project coordinator.