At this Meeting, the Steering Advisory Group will conduct the following business:
Welcome and (Re)Introductions
Planning Staff & FRCOG Staff will provide Comprehensive Plan updates:
Review Phase I (Visioning) – work completed
Phase II (Completion of Comprehensive Plan) – work in process
Review Planning Process
Review Plan Format
Status of Plan Elements
Next Steps
This is an opportunity for staff to ask attendees: did we get this right? Is there anything that we are missing in the planning process?
This is an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and to provide feedback and recommendations to help guide the planning process.
Public Outreach and Community Engagement – This is an opportunity for staff to seek guidance from group about possible outreach and community engagement activities that staff should implement in seeking public feedback on the fully drafted chapters and proposed recommendations.
To learn more about Montague's Comprehensive Plan update, please visit the project page:
For questions/comments, please contact Maureen Pollock, Montague Town Planner at (413) 863-3200 x112 or