ABPP Battlefield Advisory Board Meeting 11AM-1PM
Wednesday December 4, 2024
Montague Town Hall
1 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA
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Meeting ID: 872 7678 1969
Passcode: 039235
2. Administrative updates
3. Archaeological fieldwork updates
4. Signage project updates:
a. Draft narratives/content submitted by Liz and Rich
b. Lynn Stowe Tomb has volunteered as graphic designer
c. Archaeologists will submit content when available.
d. DB observes:
1) Proposed word count at 300 may be too high. Revise downward?
2) How to determine Indigenous design contribution? Known artists: Deb Spears
Moorhead, Robert Peters, others?
3) Suggested “banner head” for all 3 panels?
4) To Be Determined: deadline for combination of banner, Indigenous design, finished
5) Sources and timeline for funding fabrication of panels.
6) Location of panels.
5. Updates in FERC re-licensing process, if any.
6. Updates from tribal representatives, board members, public comments, etc
7. Topics not anticipated at time of posting:
Submitted by D. Brule, coordinator