Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting

Thursday, January 23, 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm
Town Hall Annex, One Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA 01376
A meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission

Meeting is Recorded Votes May Be Taken

1) 6:00pm Meeting Called to Order

2) 6:01pm Approval of October 31 & December 5, 2024 Minutes

3) 6:02pm Miryam Vesset, Discussion to Construct a Basketball Court at Montague Center Park

4) 6:25pm Sawmill River 10K Run Assessment

5) 6:30pm Montague Center Park Project Update

6) 6:35pm Rag Shag Parade

7) 6:40pm FY26 Operating Budget Updates

8) 6:45pm FY25 Current Operating Budget & Revolving Fund Balances

9) 6:50pm Parks & Recreation Magazine Article - Skatepark Lighting Project

10) 6:55pm Topics not anticipated in the 48 hour posting requirement

11) 7:00pm Adjournment