FY19-02: COA Front Porch Replacement (awarded) (4 files)

The Town of Montague has awarded the contract for the removal and replacement of the front porch of the Council on Aging to LaRochelle Construction of South Hadley MA. This building is located at 62 Fifth Street in Turners Falls. Please direct all inquiries to DPW Superintendent Tom Bergeron of 413-863-2054 x112 or hwysupt@montague-ma.gov.

Key Dates for COA Front Porch Replacement Project

RFQ Posting Date                                                                    June 6, 2018            

Deadline for Questions                                                            June 13, 2018

Proposal Submission Deadline and Opening                          June 21, 2018 (2PM)

Awarded and Contracted                                                         July 23, 2018