FY19-03: RFQ for Owners Project Manager Services for a Public Works Facility (Awarded) (0 files)






The Town of Montague is seeking proposals from qualified individuals, partnerships, or firms to provide Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) services for a Public Works Facility building project. The OPM shall be qualified as described in Mass. General Law Chapter 149, Section 44A ½. The project is to be completed within 18-24 months. Cost of construction is estimated at $8,908,000. This bid will be awarded based on qualifications, with fee to be negotiated.

Copies of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and project feasibility study/schematic design can be obtained via email by contacting the Montague Town Administrator at townadmin@montague-ma.gov. For additional assistance, call (413-863-3200 x108) or visit the Montague Selectboard Office, 1 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA 01376 during business hours.

There will be a project briefing on August 15, 2018 at 11am in the Montague Public Safety Complex Community Room, 180 Turnpike Rd, Turners Falls, MA 01376. Attendance is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory. Responses must be submitted to the Montague Selectboard Office no later than Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 2pm.


Steven Ellis

Town Administrator/Chief Procurement Officer

Key Dates

        Bold text = Critical Response Dates                                                 Unbold text = Estimated, at Discretion of Town

      Central Register Posting and RFQ Release                August 1, 2018     

      Briefing Session and Site Tour                                 August 15 at 11am

      Written Question Deadline                                      August 20 at 2pm

      Question Response and Addendum, if necessary       August 23 at 5pm

      Deadline for Responses                                             September 6 at 2pm

      Anticipated Award and Contracting                           October, 2018