FY19-07 Invitation for Bids- Rutter's Park Improvements (1 files)

Invitation for Bids: Rutter's Park Improvement Project

Town of Montague  invites sealed bids for Rutter’s Park Improvements - Phase One Project in the Village of Lake Pleasant, Montague, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by GZA GeoEnviromental, Inc. dated January 23, 2019. The Project consists of improvements for a Playground, premanufactured Pavilion, new parking area and other site furnishings and plantings.The work is estimated to cost $ 225,000. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.30 §§ 39M and to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 §§26 to 27H inclusive and Davis Bacon and shall pay the higher of the two rates. General Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., February 20, 2019 and publicly opened, forthwith. See attached for full Legal Advertisement.