Democratic Caucus

There will be a caucus on Monday, August 16th at 6:00 PM via a Zoom meeting (see attached)

Montague Voters to Nominate Candidate for Open Selectboard Seat

There will be a caucus on Monday, August 16th at 6:00 PM held by the Montague Democratic Town Committee. The caucus will be via a Zoom meeting and is open to all registered Democrats and Unenrolled voters of Montague.

Registered Democrats and Registered Unenrolled Voters of Montague are invited to attend the Zoom meeting to vote to endorse a candidate for Selectboard.

Those wishing to vote in the caucus should contact Mr. Wisnewski for information and access passwords at

Any registered Democrat interested in seeking endorsement from the committee needs to send a statement of intent to the Chair of the Montague Dems, Mark Wisnewski at the above email.

The Special Town Election will be held September 21, 2021 from Noon to 7:00 PM to fill a seat left open by the resignation of Michael Nelson.