IFB-FY19-20 Valuation of Hydro Electric Generating Properties
IFB - 20 - Valuation of Hydro Electric Generating Properties
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Category: Montague Open Projects
Department: Assessors
Fiscal Year: 2019
Current Status:Awarded
Skill(s):Real Estate Appraisal
Contact Info:
Karen M. Tonelli, M.A.A. Director of Assessing (413) 863-3200 ext 118
Important dates:
IFB Published: Tue, April 16, 2019 at 8:30 AM
Bidders Meeting: Not Set
Q&A Closed: Fri, May 10, 2019 at 12:00 PM
Bids Due: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Bids Opened: Mon, May 20, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Bid Awarded: Yes
Awarded to:
GEORGE E. SANSOUCY, PE, LLC 279 Main Street, Lancaster, NH 03584
Contract Price: $0.00
Bidding deadline has passed.
Brief Description:
The purpose of this Invitation For Bids is to solicit the services of a qualified consultant to arrive at the Fair Market Value of the real and personal property, for property tax purposes for FY2020 (as of January 1, 2019). The values must be in the form required by the Department of Revenue for FY2020 assessment of taxes.
Cabot Generating Station and Turners Falls #1 Generating Station have a total generating capacity of 68.2 megawatts and are owned by First Light Hydro Generating Company, hereinafter called “Owners,” and are situated in the Town of Montague. First Light Properties are listed on approximately 68 property record cards in the Assessors’ database and contain 555+/- acres of land.
Turners Falls Hydroelectric Plant Turners Falls Hydro LLC hereinafter called “Owners,” is located at 16 Canal Road and is approximately 6,200 square feet of space in an old mill building located within the old Strathmore Complex in the Town of Montague.