To fund 4 projects that will improve walking and cycling in town
Selectboard member Michael Nelson accepts award from Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
Complete Streets is the planning, design, and implementation of transportation systems to provide safety and accessibility to all of its users. This includes pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, horseback riders, motorists, emergency, commercial vehicles, and any other forms of transportation. Furthermore, Complete Streets principles and initiatives contribute towards the general health, safety, economy, and overall quality of life within a community by improving pedestrian and vehicular connectivity as well as accessibility for users of all ages and abilities.
Montague particpates in MassDOT's Complete Streets Program. As components of particpation, Montague has adopted a Complete Streets Policy and adopted a Complete Streets Prioritzation Plan that identifies 41 potential projects across Montague.
In February 2019 Montague was awarded a $311,000 Complete Streets Project Grant to implement four priority projects identified in the plan.
Find out more about the program and funded projects here
Posted: to Dept Public Works (DPW) on Wed, Feb 27, 2019
Updated: Wed, Feb 27, 2019