Police Logs 2013

January through September

Montague, Jan. 23

5:30 a.m. - Accident on Kettle Hole Lane where an off-duty officer reports a onecar accident, with the vehicle off the road into the tree line; he advises no injuries at this time, and the operator is out of the vehicle; officer sent, and vehicle to be towed.

4:04 p.m. - Caller from the F.L. Roberts gas station on Third Street reports there is gas leaking from one of the gas pumps there; officer and fire department sent.

Montague, Jan. 24

8:41 a.m. - Vandalism and malicious damage reported on K Street where the caller says that overnight someone threw a battery onto her vehicle; officer to investigate.

Montague, Jan. 25

5:22 p.m. - Accident with property damage at Judd Wire, 124 Turnpike Road. Report taken.

Montague, Jan. 26

9:09 a.m. - Officer wanted at Third Street apartment. Two arrested. William Henry Jones Jr., 57, of 112 Hope St., Greenfield, arrested and charged with assault and battery, domestic. Robert L. Ramirez Jr., 27, of 15 Farren Ave. arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, malicious destruction of property under $250, possession of a Class E drug and assault and battery, domestic.

Montague, Jan. 27

12:21 a.m. - Motor vehicle violation stop on Federal Street at Lake Pleasant Road leads to arrest of Thomas C. Kurtyka Jr, 52, of 382 Turners Falls Road. Charged with speeding, marked lanes violation, operating to endanger and OUI liquor.

3:20 a.m. - Report of a domestic disturbance on Central Street. Jonathan J. Bones, 23, arrested and charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct, subsequent offense.

Montague, Jan. 28

10:28 p.m. - Turners Falls Fire Department toned out to respond to Industrial Drive for a possible structure (cabin) fire along the river; no calls received in dispatch, but fire department advises it came from someone in area of Peterson Welding in Gill who observed this while looking across the river; area checked by fire department personnel, and a state police officer to check view from Gill side; fire department personnel determined it appears to be lights and smoke from Lightlife Food area; fire department out on foot and with brush truck, but nothing else found, and that previous observation appears to have been the cause of the report.

Montague, Jan. 29

9:41 a.m. - Domestic disturbance on Coolidge Avenue from where state police got a cell phone call from a female who could be heard yelling, “get out;” and then the line was disconnected; officers sent; investigation leads to arrest of Walter H. Perry, 45, of Coolidge Avenue, Turners Falls. charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

9:08 p.m. - Caller from Millers Falls reports the railroad lights there are going off, and it appears a train has detached a row of cars on the first intersection center in Millers Falls and are now hooking up on the other side, next to the tracks, and in so doing they have two areas blocked; he would like to know how long they are going to be there; dispatch contacted Pan Am Railway and they say it isn’t them, and most likely is New England Central; attempts to reach that railroad were unsuccessful, and the caller was advised there are other routes around that area.

Montague, Jan. 30

2:54 a.m. - A 911 caller from the Franklin Emergency Shelter on Farren Avenue requesting officers for an intoxicated male outside the residence; he has called the shelter requesting entry, but has been denied due to his intoxication; caller states the male did swear at him, but the reporting party states he isn’t afraid of the intoxicated male being violent at all; officers sent, and the subject was taken into protective custody.

4:41 a.m. - Caller advises of a single car accident at Federal Street and Lake Pleasant Road, on Route 63, where the vehicle is off the road with heavy damage; both Montague Center Fire Department and Turners Falls Fire Department are en route; the vehicle is into a tree and the operator appears unresponsive; officers on the scene now report the operator is semi-responsive and complaining of severe back and chest pain; BHA advises that the ambulance is almost there, but is held up by a train crossing; BHA now loading and transporting the injured person; vehicle towed. Accident under investigation.

5:15 p.m. - Accident with property damage on Federal Street where the caller says a vehicle went off the road and into the front yard of a home; a red hatchback type vehicle, near the turn to South Prospect Street; officers sent, found the area where it appeared a vehicle went off the road, but it appeared the vehicle made it back onto the road, and no damage was left behind.

8:03 p.m. - Traffic stop on Millers Falls Road near Hillside Plastics; one operator in custody; arrested was Brianna Rose Rettberg, 22, of Broadway, Lake Pleasant, charged with operating with suspended license. The boyfriend of the operator was en route to pick up the vehicle.

Montague, Jan. 31

10:29 a.m. - Assault reported on H Street where the reporting party requests an officer and alleges he was hit over the head by his girlfriend the day before, and he believes there will be more problems when he gets back to his residence; when officer arrived to meet with the man, he was transported to the hospital; situation investigated.

2:10 p.m. - Caller from Central Street says she just arrived at her apartment to get her things, and her sister attacked her; she is declining medical attention but stated again, “she did attack me”; she waited in the hall for officers, who then found it to be mostly a verbal that turned into a pushing match; the sister admitted to throwing the reporting party’s computer down the stairs, and the reporting party was advised to contact police if the computer is broken; the reporting party was also served in hand with harassment order paperwork.

2:20 p.m. - Caller from Seventh Street reports a sick raccoon that is walking in circles and its tongue is sticking out; officer sent, put the animal down, and disposed of it.

5:52 p.m. - Officers on Fourth street to make an arrest of Lance Louis Rice, 23, of fourth Street, Turners Falls, on a default warrant.

6:40 p.m. - Caller from Third Street reports she is having a verbal argument with her ex-girlfriend, as that girl has threatened to put the reporting party’s belongings out on the street, as the reporting party moved out two weeks ago; officer sent, and they were spoken to and found to be verbal only; the reporting party left for the night.

10:44 p.m. - Vandalism reported on Central Street where the caller says her vehicle had the lug nuts taken off the rear tires; officer sent, and observed two lug nuts missing from the rear passenger side, and one missing form the rear driver’s side; situation investigated.

Montague, Feb. 1

1:59 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Fourth Street, from where a 911 caller says there is a possible domestic in the apartment below her, and she can hear the male and female fighting verbally; she also believes she can hear things being thrown around there; officers sent, and found it to be verbal only, but the male will be finding other sleeping arrangements for the night.

9:14 a.m. - Loud noise disturbance on Fourth Street where the reporting party complains of loud music for a half hour earlier this morning; no answer at the door of the other tenant, but the music was turned down; the reporting party says this has been an ongoing issue, and the reporting party is upset that the other tenant has called police on her for the same issue; both people were spoken with but officer noted police will likely be called back to this location.

8:26 p.m. - 911 call. Officer wanted at Franklin County Technical School, 82 Industrial Blvd. Escort to locker room for sports team. Services rendered.

Montague, Feb. 2

1:50 p.m. - Report of an assault at Farren Care Center, 340 Montague City Road. Report taken.

11:15 p.m. - Report of an accident with property damage on Chestnut Hill Loop. Report taken.

Montague, Feb. 14

11:35 a.m. - Caller from the Park Villa apartments received a call from a person soliciting the reporting party to order prescriptions through them; the reporting party was concerned as to the legitimacy of the company.

Noon - Officer on Coolidge Avenue looking for a known subject, but while on the call, a homeowner answered the door and her pitbull bit the officer on his hamstring; the bite didn’t break the skin; the dog’s rabies vaccination was good. Still searching for the man elsewhere.

12:53 p.m. - Officer wanted at the Great Falls Middle School on Turnpike Road for a 13-year-old student who has mental health issues, and who is out of control, and acting violently; officers sent, and the student was transported to Baystate Franklin Medical Center.

12:54 p.m. - Caller from Union Street requests it be on record that he got a call from the D&D Masonry business, and gave the phone number, and the reporting party suspects this was part of a chimney sweep scam. It will be documented.

2:09 p.m. - Caller from area of Montague and Roosevelt streets reports a two-car head-on collision, but unknown how many may be injured; one person complaining of knee pain, feeling lightheaded, but had refused original treatment, but then BHA was advised to return to the scene; citation issued to one operator for failure to use care in turning; both vehicles were towed.

2:30 p.m. - Larceny reported by a male from Montague Street, who said his bank mailed him an ATM card, but he never received it; he spoke with his bank and learned the card was used once to make a $400 withdrawal at Greenfield Saving Bank on Avenue A, and once for a $100 withdrawal at the ATM in Food City, and the second withdrawal over drafted the reporting party’s account; the reporting party has copies of the surveillance photos, and copies were made for the detective who is investigating.

Montague, Feb. 17

4:30 p.m. - Assault on Fourth Street where the reporting party states a female had just assaulted a male; under investigation.

6:16 p.m. - Fire reported at the Montague Elks lodge on Elks Avenue on the front porch, that has since been extinguished; the origin of the fire was determined to be careless disposal of smoking materials.

8:16 p.m. - Assault reported on Fourth Street where a cell phone caller reports his son has a knife and assaulted him with it; the caller has a heavy Spanish accent, and is hard to understand, but is believed to be reporting a hand injury; the caller says his son is intoxicated and is threatening; arrested was Luis Rodriguez, 48, of Fourth Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic), and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Montague, Feb. 16

5:14 a.m. - Emergency caller reports domestic disturbance in Turners Falls. Removed to hospital.

Montague, Feb. 17

1:23 a.m. - Motor vehicle violation, alley between Fourth and Fifth streets. Luis Martinez, 29, of 105 Second St., Apt. 1B, Turners Falls, arrested and charged with unlicensed operation, speeding, failure to stop for police and lights violation.

Montague, Feb. 19

9:46 p.m. - Accident on Old Northfield Road closer to Lake Pleasant Road, where the caller reports she slid off the road into a ditch, due to icy road conditions; she confirmed there were no injuries, and she has a friend on the way to get her out.

11:38 p.m. - Officer advised a vehicle was parked in the middle of the roadway on Old Northfield Road with headlights on and a male and female in the back seat together; the officer advised them to move along.

Montague, Feb. 20

6:05 a.m. - Caller from T Street requested police check on a large steady stream of water coming from the driveway of a house there; reporting party is unsure where this water is originating, but says a small body of water is in the rear of the same address; officer sent, checked the area and found some water running in the area, but unknown cause and not a hazard.

6:24 a.m. - Fire alarm sounding at Montague Machine on Rastallis Street; officer sent, but overheard that Turners Falls Fire Department advised it is a sprinkler issue.

7:13 a.m. - Open door reported at Ristorante DiPaolo on Avenue A; one of his workers was driving by and saw an open door, both units off at the restaurant, found the only damage is old damage and the building is secure; units cleared.

10:30 a.m. - Accident on Bridge Street by the Millers Falls Library; two vehicles involved; officer sent and found very minor damage, and those involved only wanted it on record for insurance purposes. No injuries listed.

Montague, Feb. 20

1:28 p.m. - Caller traveling from Turners to Greenfield over the General Pierce Bridge says that when she looked to the left she saw a red object in the river; she wasn’t sure what it was, but advised it could have been an overturned kayak; officer checked the area and then went to the end of Poplar Street and found vehicles there, and located the object, which was the USGS (United States Geographical Survey) in the area, measuring the velocity of the water flow in the rivers.

5:28 p.m. - Caller from Hatchery Road reports her teenage daughter is receiving harassment via Twitter; officer responded, observed the postings, and recommended that the inappropriate posts be reported to Twitter, and also advised her of options.

5:54 p.m. - Neighborhood disturbance on Park Street where the caller says there is a fight outside the house there, and the caller stated she could hear yelling and screaming and saw a white male dragging a female into the rear of the house; but unknown if weapons were involved; officers sent, and spoke with those involved; this was found to be a family dispute regarding a tongue piercing.

Montague, Feb. 21

11:57 a.m. - Shoplifting reported at Rite Aid on Avenue A where the reporting party says about three minutes ago a male stole a four-pack of Red Bull and left the store; he was last seen headed toward Peske Park; officers sent, and investigating, but unable to locate him, but the person is being summoned to court.

4:50 p.m. - Officers in the area of Henry Avenue to arrest a known person walking from the area of Coolidge Avenue; arrested was Walter H. Perry, 35, of Coolidge Avenue, Turners Falls, charged on two default warrants.

5:10 p.m. - Caller from Central Street reports her computer and a cell phone were stolen today by her recent boyfriend and he isn’t answering his phone; officer made contact with the reporting party but she has decided to wait a couple of days to see if these items get returned; she agreed to call us back if not.

6:57 p.m. - Caller from Eleventh Street reports a maintenance man who came to repair his toilet took $380 from the reporting party’s jeans pocket; he says he noticed his pants had been moved right after the man left, so he checked his wallet, and the money was gone; he contacted the landlord who allegedly called the maintenance man, and he denied taking the money; officers sent, and then talked with the maintenance man; later they returned to Eleventh Street to return the money; services rendered.

Montague, Feb. 23

8:20 a.m. - Report of a burglary at 2nd Street Baking Co., 104 Fourth St. Services rendered.

10:24 p.m. - Donald W. Faulkner, 51, of 4 Marshall St. arrested on a probation warrant.

Montague, Feb. 27

6:39 a.m. - Accident reported near the Route 63 crossover where the reporting party says his vehicle went off the road, is over the embankment and he is concerned it may slip into the water; he is out of the vehicle and isn’t injured.

9:28 a.m. - Reporting party from Montague City Road reports getting a call from someone claiming to be from UPS claiming they have a $25,000 check from a sweepstakes the reporting party won; the reporting party advised the caller she wasn’t interested, and didn’t provide any information.

1:21 p.m. - State police in Northampton reported getting a call from a younger sounding female on Bridge Street here, and stated someone was “banging down her door,” as female then called 911 from the same cell phone and advised there was just an altercation at her residence, and now her female friend is being chased down the street by another female; the reporting party was unwilling or unable, to tell dispatch the identity of the alleged aggressor, but she didn’t see any weapons; the reporting party stated her apartment door was broken during the altercation; units arrived on scene and the females, all known, were identified, and one said she fled to get away from the female chasing her; clothing was thrown from the apartment, but nothing physical transpired; it was verbal only; the damage to the door was determined to be preexisting.

3:58 p.m. - Caller from Randall Wood Drive reports her smoke detectors are going off; no odors or sign of fire, but they won’t stop; officer and fire department sent, and found that a candle set off the alarms.

Montague, Feb. 28

9:40 a.m. - Reporting party requests an officer regarding a message that was sent to her daughter by a male classmate/ acquaintance; officer to respond.

3:31 p.m. - Reporting party from Bridge Street says a known person is trying to break into her residence by kicking the door; the caller hung up as officers were being dispatched, and state police had transferred the call to Montague dispatch, and they also advise the line has disconnected; officer found three known subjects had left that location and no signs on the door that any contact had been made; the reporting party was advised to call back if the people return.

4:31 p.m. - Vandalism reported from Avenue A location where the caller says someone put sugar water in her gas tank; the vehicle is currently at the repair shop, and she has a suspect in mind who may have been responsible; officer sent, and the reporting party believes an ex-boyfriend poured the sugar water into her tank, but admitted it is just speculation, and she has no way of proving it; she was advised of 209A options.

8:17 p.m. - Caller from Avenue A reports her 15-yearold daughter is at a friend’s house in Northfield and is refusing to come home; the reporting party was advised an officer will make contact with the daughter, and after speaking with both mother and daughter, an agreement was reached for the daughter to return home Friday at 5 p.m. when she can get a ride; they will both be speaking with Department of Community and Families case worker about this as well.

Montague, March 1

8:04 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, reported on Laurel Lane by a walk-in who says her landlord/roommate just flipped out and tore the thermostat off the wall; she spoke with an officer, and he spoke to the male who admitted ripping out the thermostat, but it is his property; he was advised to call if the problems continue when the reporting party returns; the officer then returned to speak with the reporting party at the station.

Montague, March 7

6:48 a.m. - 911 caller from Industrial Boulevard near the Hallmark School, stating she just crashed her vehicle, and states she is off the road.

12:31 p.m. - Accident reported from Avenue A in front of the library where the reporting party was crying and difficult to understand but eventually stated she had been in an accident, but no injuries; she stated her daughter was driving the reporting party’s new car, and was going through the intersection on a yellow light when another vehicle slammed into them; officer advised; received a second call advising of the accident and confirmed no injuries, but the people are yelling at each other; officer there and investigating.

3:54 p.m. - Caller from Foster’s Road reports he received a renewal notice in the mail this past December for his motorcycle, but he didn’t renew the registration; sometime later he received a renewed registration for the motor cycle; he called the Registry of Motor Vehicles to find out how that happened and they advised him that the transaction was completed online, by credit card; and caller is concerned this may be a case of identity fraud/theft; he was advised of options, and told it would be documented.

11:17 p.m. - Officer wanted on Third Street where the 911 caller requests assistance as she believes someone has slashed the tires on her car; she states she is frightened, and is afraid to go outside and investigate unless an officer is there; she made reference to a woman that she has a restraining order against, and her possible involvement; officer sent and advised he didn’t see any tire tracks in the area , but the side wall of a tire has been punctured. Situation under investigation.

Montague, March 8

8:52 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, reported on L Street where the caller says she was just awakened to a verbal disturbance on the first floor, and says it has been occurring over the last several days, and that they have a young child in the residence; officer sent, but minutes later a reporting party from the address was crying and hard to understand, but stated she wanted to press charges on the woman who put hands on her; officer investigating.

Montague, March 10

3:53 p.m. - Caller on behalf of Sirum Equipment Co. states she and her boyfriend got a call regarding a gray truck that belongs to the company and is now parked near Carroll’s Market, in Millers Falls, and that it, “is severely damaged,” and she believes it was stolen.

6:24 p.m. - Neighbor reports several individuals on the roof of Hillcrest School; officer located two on the roof and two on the ground, all under age 13; after identifying them, they were lectured regarding trespassing and dangerousness of being on the roof, and sent on their way.

8:38 p.m. - Arrested Camiel R. Simmons, 35, of Maple Street, Turners Falls, on a straight warrant and a default warrant.

9:31 p.m. - Multiple 911 calls reporting a male attempting to break down a door on Turners Falls Road; arrested was Jason A. Pike, 27, of G Street, Turners Falls, charged with malicious destruction of property over $250, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and resisting arrest.

Montague, March 11

2:36 p.m. - Officer in pursuit of a vehicle on Millers Falls Road traveling 80-90 miles per hour, heading toward downtown; other officers responding; vehicle just passed Stewart’s Nursery on Millers Falls Road; state police report they have a cruiser in the area if needed; but then officer had the vehicle stopped, and a juvenile was arrested, and charged with seven motor vehicle violations.

5:10 p.m. - Caller reports a known male who has been recently displaying irrational behavior and a Section 12 mental health protection process was issued, and the subject was picked up by officers and taken to Bay State Franklin Medical Center.

5:12 p.m. - Caller from Randell Wood Drive reports her jewelry box is missing and believes it was on her night stand last night, but she isn’t positive; the reporting party stated her doors were left unlocked today, officer investigating.

7:45 p.m. - A male is at Scotty’s Convenience Store requesting assistance from customers for a ride home, as he doesn’t have any money for a cab, and his legs hurt; officer sent and took the subject to his Millers Falls Road residence.

Montague, March 12

10:40 a.m. - Walk-in reports that over the weekend her parked car was backed into on Seventh Street; she spoke with the other driver, but didn’t get his information, though she does have the plate number; officer checking and found no damage to her vehicle other than a small dent in the license plate, where the other vehicle’s tow hitch made contact; no damage observed on the other vehicle.

Noon - Caller from Winthrop Street reports her 17-year-old daughter just assaulted her, but she declined medical attention; the daughter is still in the home, but has no weapons on her; while still on the line with the reporting party, the daughter left the home; officers sent, and located the daughter on Winthrop Street; investigation leads to arrest of Amanda Billiel, 17, of Winthrop Street, Millers Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

12:51 p.m. - Caller from Ripley Road reports she can hear someone walking around on the second floor; she is on a cordless phone in the basement, and lives alone there; she went outside to walk the dog, and when she returned she heard the footsteps; the reporting party remained on the line until police arrived, the house was checked and is secure; officers found the doors were secured from the inside, which couldn’t have been done if someone had exited the house.

2:45 p.m. - Walk-in female reports a couple of months ago she got an e-mail from New York informing her she was a victim of a crime, and referring her to a web site for more information; the reporting party suspects this is a scam, but did go to what appeared to be a legitimate government web site that listed the alleged offender as having been investigated by the USAO; she doesn’t plan to respond to this contact; she was advised it is unlikely that she would be contacted by e-mail if this was legitimate, and she was advised to report further material received to our office.

5:02 p.m. - Property damage accident on Park Street from where a caller reports one car in a ditch there, and the reporting party just picked up one of the passengers from that motor vehicle; the reporting party says there are no injuries and it appears someone is attempting to tow the vehicle; officer on scene reports the vehicle is hanging over the embankment; fire department notified; the vehicle may have struck one of the cement pillars; tow truck called, and the vehicle was towed out, and was then able to leave the scene on its own.

6:11 p.m. - Reporting party calling from Country Club Lane discovered signs of an attempted breaking and entering, at the residence there; the screen from the side window of his garage was removed, and laying in the grass, and the locks are halfway broken off; officer investigating and found smudged prints, but no entry gained; the reporting party had picked up the screen prior to officer’s arrival. Under investigation.

8:23 p.m. - Shoplifting reported at the Roberts gas station on Third Street that happened about ten-minutes ago; the female was accompanied by a male in his mid 30s; officer viewed the tape and the male was identified; stolen items were several containers of ice cream; investigation leads to arrest of two people Alyssa Ciccarelli, 23, of Avenue A, Turners Falls, charged with shoplifting by concealing merchandise, and Anthony Benjamin Kulesa, 35, of Silver Street Greenfield, both charged with shoplifting by carrying away.

Montague, March 13

12:33 p.m. - Walk-in reports a scam, and dropped off a mystery shopper letter, with enclosed check for her to deposit; the letter advises her to keep $100 for herself and return the rest to various locations.

4:48 p.m. - Arrested Travis Leland Reynolds, 25, listed as homeless, of Turners Falls, on a court warrant.

6:15 p.m. - Reporting party from Third Street reports her former roommate, who she recently kicked out, has been threatening and harassing her.

Montague, March 14

4 p.m. - Accident reported on Avenue C where the caller says that sometime since last night, someone struck his vehicle, denting it.

7:12 p.m. - Report from Fourth Street of a verbal disturbance between a male and female; they were advised to keep it down. Peace was restored.

7:52 p.m. - Officers on Farren Avenue to arrest Thomas W. Hodsdon, 44, of Farren Avenue, Turners Falls, on a probation warrant.

8:37 p.m. - Caller from Avenue A reports a highly intoxicated person lying on the couch in the lobby in side the front entrance; officers located the man, and he was taken into protective custody

Montague, March 15

1:32 p.m. - Report of an assault at Second Street address. Referred to an officer.

3 :34 p.m. - Report of larceny from Black Jungle Terrarium Supply, 370 Avenue A. Advised of options.

4:53 p.m. - Accident with property damage on Millers Falls Road. Citation issued.

11:29 p.m. - Report of accident with injury at intersection of Long Plain Road and Long Hill Road, Leverett. Referred to other agency.

Montague, March 16

2:46 a.m. - Motor vehicle stop, Turners Falls Road. Jacob R. Coates, 21, of 180 Call Road, Colrain, arrested and charged with OUI liquor, speeding, failure to wear a seat belt.

2:14 p.m. - Larceny reported at Food City, 250 Avenue A. Advised to contact police if returns.

Montague, March 17

10:46 p.m. - Caller from Canal road observed four people cross the walkway over to Southworth Paper Mill, and the caller isn’t sure they are allowed to be there; officer sent and saw them, and found they were from Southworth, and are there to clean a sludge line; they advised they perform this function about four times a year and have permission to be there.

12:17 p.m. - Walk-in subject from Mountain Road in Erving reports he just got a call from his brother, threatening to beak into their parents house in Erving; he was given the number for Shelburne Control to report this to Erving Police.

5:24 p.m. - Reporting party would like an officer to check bags of trash on L Street where someone is leaving them in front of an abandoned house next to the caller’s house; she stated last week they put a sticker on the bag so it wouldn’t get ripped over by an animal, and now there are two bags out there; officer checking found there were four bags in the alley, next door, but was unable to find anything that would identify the source or owners of the trash inside the bags; DPW notified to pick up the trash..

6:42 p.m. - Reporting party called from K Street to report a male, presently incarcerated at the Franklin County House of Correction, calls the reporting party two or three times a day attempting to get them to locate a female for him, and saying “dirty” things about the reporting party and her husband; would like the calls stopped; officer contacted the House of Correction, and will be following up with that facility regarding these calls.

Montague, March 18

4:48 a.m. - Report of a horse wandering in Turners Falls Road; officer went and spoke with the owner, who then went out to look for the horse; but no immediate sign of the horse.

7:01 a.m. - Breaking and entering reported at the town hall on Avenue A; under investigation.

7:35 a.m. - Caller reports the Salvation Army store on Avenue A has a broken window; reporting party noticed it while en route to Food City; key holder arrived, and detective found several items that were taken for fingerprinting.

9:30 a.m. - Larceny reported on Turners Falls Road, officer to investigate.

1:38 p.m. - Caller from Fifth Street reports he just arrived home and found the door off its hinges, and people inside; he found them to be the landlord and a contractor, and the landlord said they had to be in the apartment to make the repairs, and he was taking pictures of the apartment’s condition; officer sent and the reporting party was advised of options at court, but was not satisfied with the options; the landlord has paperwork showing that he has to complete repairs inside the apartment and that is what was happening today.

2:32 p.m. - Larceny on Avenue A where the caller says she discovered several unauthorized charges on her bank card; she was advised to bring the paperwork to the station and an officer will meet with her.

7:14 p.m. - Larceny reported at Shady Glen where the reporting party says his cook’s coat was taken.

10:49 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, reported at Unity and Park streets; officers arrested Terrence Crowder, 18, of Broadview Heights, Turners Falls, charged on a warrant.

Montague, March 19

8:53 a.m. - Reporting party from Montague City Road and Greenfield Road reports a tree on the power lines on Greenfield Road at the Montague City end, and stated the lines are arcing.

1:23 p.m. - Accident reported on South Prospect Street where the reporting party says a vehicle is off the road and into a snow bank, but no injuries reported.

3:07 p.m. - Caller from Erving reports she was in an accident on Industrial Boulevard in Turners Falls, but then drove home, and is making the report from there.

7:09 p.m. - Accident reported on Bridge Street where the reporting party says there is a two-car accident, but no personal injuries; one female operator was cited for failure to use care.

7:30 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Fourth Street; officer responded and peace was restored.

Montague, March 20

7:31 a.m. - Officer requesting tow truck for several vehicles to be removed from the Third Street parking lot for snow removal.

Montague, March 21

9 a.m. - A 911 caller reports a domestic disturbance on Green Pond Road where dispatch could hear the reporting party arguing and yelling with someone in the background; investigation led to arrest of Jhims Grand-Pierre, 31, of Green Pond Road, Millers Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

5:03 p.m. - General disturbance reported at the emergency homeless shelter on Farren Avenue where the staff member reports there is a female out of control in the office; arrested was Maria W. Melendez, 40, of Farren Avenue, Turners Falls, charged with disorderly conduct, and assault and battery on a police officer.

6:24 p.m. - Motor vehicle violation stop at Third Street and Avenue A led to arrest on a probation warrant of Bucky Gary Floyd Maynard, 33, of Chapman Street, Greenfield.

7:22 p.m. - Walk-in from Sunset Drive reports a fraud, stating that he and his wife were notified by the IRS by mail that someone has filed a tax return on their behalf.

Montague, March 22

1:01 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Seventh Street where the reporting party says she and her mother were involved in a verbal and physical altercation and her mother is still inside the house, intoxicated, but no known weapons; officers arrested Joann Olney, 54, of Seventh Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

5:46 p.m. - Accident on Montague City road. Referred to an officer.

Montague, March 23

12:18 p.m. - Report of annoying or harassing phone calls at Franklin Area Survival Center. Services rendered.

9:11 p.m. - Report of a larceny at emergency shelter, 15 Farren Ave.

Montague, March 24

1:41 p.m. - Officer requested on Third Street, where it appears an apartment was broken into; incident investigated.

1:48 p.m. - Report of shoplifting from Jay K’s Liquor store on Avenue A; will check the surveillance tapes.

3:01 p.m. - Walk-in requests an officer regarding bullying of his daughter at school; detective to investigate.

8:09 p.m. - Motor vehicle violation stop at George Street and Turners Falls Road; operator being summoned for operating a motor vehicle with revoked registration, uninsured motor vehicle, and unregistered motor vehicle; the vehicle was towed.

Montague, March 25

11:20 a.m. - Accident with damage, reported at Cemetery Road and Millers Falls Road, where a car went into a tree; officer found no injuries and no fluid spills, but he requests DPW be advised of a tree down in the roadway.

1:42 p.m. - Reporting party calling from the Brick House on Third Street says a break in occurred sometime over the weekend; taken was a Toshiba laptop, audio mixer, and an old Dell laptop.

6 p.m. - Arrested Ginger Beth Howard, 45, listed as homeless of Turners Falls, on a default warrant.

9:10 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street wants to make a complaint about another person who has created a fake Facebook page and used the reporting party’s name and picture.

Montague, March 26

3:30 p.m. - Report of a fight between two females. Situation still under investigation.

5:27 p.m. - Accident at the Montague Senior Center on Fifth Street where the caller says her vehicle was hit by another; she said they exchanged phone numbers but the number she was given doesn’t work; officer to check status.

6:33 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports a person in a dark-colored Lexus was dumping bags of trash on top of the caller’s locked trash container; officer spoke to the reporting party and will follow up with a call to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Montague, March 27

4 p.m. - Walk-in with her 12-year-old daughter, requesting an officer regarding her estranged husband showing up at the daughter’s school.

5:58 p.m. - Report of an out-of-control grill fire in the rear of a house on Oakman Street; information given to Turners Falls Fire Department, and they are en route; fire was extinguished, and was determined to have been accidental.

7:05 p.m. - Caller from Poplar Street reports from the bike path that he witnessed two people in a canoe capsize; unknown if there are injuries, officers and fire department sent; the reporting party then advises he confirmed both parties made it to shore.

Montague, March 29

7:13 p.m. - Domestic disturbance. James V. Wickline, 50, of 2B Bradford Drive, Greenfield, arrested and charged with assault and battery domestic, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Montague, March 30

3:20 p.m. - Logan Remick, 30, of 370 Montague City Road, arrested and charged with driving with a suspended license.

Montague, March 31

5:26 p.m. - Caller from Turners Falls Road reports her neighbor’s chickens have escaped their pen.

5:46 p.m. - Hit-and-run accident reported at Avenue A and Fourth Street where the reporting party was at the stop sign on Fourth Street about to turn right onto Avenue A when a small motorcycle/moped scooter type vehicle, came from behind him and struck the driver’s side of his vehicle.

6:10 p.m. - Report of a past breaking and entering, reported by a walk-in from Millers Falls Road who says that they were out of town from March 15 to March 25, and on return the noticed a PS3 game system and a Schecter electric guitar, color blue, were missing; officer to investigate.

6:47 p.m. - Report of a horse loose on Ripley Road; officer notified.

6:51 p.m. - Caller from Second Street reports he and a neighbor were just threatened by a male who was in a verbal altercation with his neighbor, and when the caller attempted to intervene, the known male reportedly threatened to shoot him, although no firearm was shown

Montague, Monday, April 1

8:19 a.m. - Motor vehicle disturbance reported from Unity Street where the reporting party saw a pickup cross the center line almost causing an accident; the reporting party said the operator was a known subject and had a suspended license; officer located the vehicle in the registered owner’s driveway, near the Gen. Pierce Bridge at Kingsley Avenue; investigation led to arrest of Logan Ty Remick, 30, of Montague City Road, Turners Falls, charged with operating a motor vehicle with revoked registration, operating with suspended license, and uninsured motor vehicle.

8:39 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, reported on Eleventh Street where officers were requested when a female was heard in the background to say, “you threatened to kill me, and held a gun up to me;” officers responded and the reporting party stated nothing physical has occurred, but an arrest was made of George W. Baker, 58, of Eleventh Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic), assault with a dangerous weapon, and threatening to commit a crime.

8:56 a.m. - A 911 caller reports a fire in a stove on Grove Street; officer and fire department responding.

Montague, March 28

6:04 p.m. - Robbery reported on Third Street where the caller says one of her neighbors was just “robbed.” Officers sent, and after questioning, one officer believes he knows identity of one subject, and a summons is being issued. There is probable cause for arrest.

Montague, March 29

3:36 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Seventh Street led to arrest of Alan R. Vaughn, 46, of Seventh Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

9:02 a.m. - Reporting party from Turners Falls Road reports a domestic in progress at Hillcrest Homes; peace was restored.

Montague, April 2

11:59 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, on L Street; the male subject was advised, and units cleared.

12 p.m. - Report of a fight on L Street across from the gas station with two males and two females involved; the reporting party stated they are just yelling at this time, but it was physical before she called.

6:48 p.m. - Larceny reported from Bridge Street where the reporting party states she had a prescription for Adderall was taken.

7:25 p.m. - Caller from Turnpike Road says she can hear loud yelling and screaming from the second floor apartment there; officers determined to be a verbal argument; both people were spoken with and were advised to contact us if further assistance was needed.

9:51 p.m. - Caller reporting harassment via texts from his estranged wife.

Montague, April 4

3:09 p.m. - Report of a hitand- run accident in which the caller’s vehicle was backed into on Canal Road, by a pickup.

4:49 p.m. - Unwanted person reported at Rite Aid store on Avenue A, and officer requested, to deal with an unruly customer at the back of the store; officer sent, but the female had left on his arrival.

Montague, April 5

11:56 a.m. - Walk-in reports burglary on Pinewood Circle. Report taken.

4 p.m. - Walk-in reports larceny at Suzee’s Third Street Laundry.

Montague, April 7

12:05 p.m. - Caller from South Prospect Street regarding a train that has been idling for at least 48 hours; the reporting party was advised the previous dispatcher attempted to find the source, but wasn’t successful; dispatch contacted Pan Am Railroad who advised it must be a New England Central Railroad; officer sent and provided the number of the train, and New England Central was advised; NEC then returned the call and advised a Pan Am employee is en route to shut off the engine; it is a loaner that was left there for New England Central; officer was advised.

1:34 p.m. - Subject came into the station to report an alleged incident of child neglect to an officer; the reporting party alleged her ex left her 11-year-old child alone for 17 hours; officer to investigate.

6:04 p.m. - Officer wanted on L Street to remove the caller’s wife, who he says is intoxicated, and possibly under the influence of drugs; officers sent, spouses advised to stay in separate rooms for the night.

8:08 p.m. - Caller from Coolidge Avenue requests removal of a male who, the reporting party states, is on crack, and his temper has been escalating; officers found the man had left, and that there was a discrepancy over some property; they were advised of options to deal with the issue.

Montague, April 8

11:59 a.m. - Officer to follow up on a call from the building inspector’s office regarding a complaint of at least three unregistered vehicles on Chestnut Street; officer checking, and found them to be three in the driveway and one in the rear, behind the fence; it appears the vehicles were purchased at auction; officer attempting to make contact with owners, but no one home; it will be passed on to the next shift if not able to locate them by then.

12:12 p.m. - Report from Avenue A that a parked vehicle rolled into another parked vehicle in the parking lot near the Salvation Army Store; officer sent, and one woman advised she put the emergency brake on before going into the store; the other woman was entering her vehicle at the time of the impact; the first woman’s vehicle sustained damage to the left corner of her bumper, and the second vehicle sustained a small dent to the door; operators exchanged information.

4:32 p.m. - Officer wanted on G Street where the caller stated he left the apartment he was sharing with his now ex-girlfriend, and left his vacuum cleaner behind, but the ex is now refusing to return the item; he was advised this may be a civil matter; the officer attempted to mediate the issue, and she hung up on the officer.

7:36 p.m. - Caller from Hillside Avenue reports a male and female that appear to be screaming and yelling at each other, officer located the people, and they advised that whatever the reporting party heard was just the two of them, “kidding”.

11:39 p.m. - Caller from Central Street reports she is trying to sleep and her downstairs neighbor is disturbing her by snoring, the female caller states that it is so loud, that the whole house is vibrating; the caller was advised that there was nothing the Montague Police would be able to do to stop him from snoring; the caller was advised to speak with the landlord to work on a solution.

Montague, April 9

6:17 a.m. - Vandalism reported on Fourth Street where the caller says she has seen at least two vehicles on that street that appear to have been “egged” sometime overnight; officer found there were three vehicles that he can see that have been hit by eggs; situation investigated.

7:48 a.m. - Officer wanted on Power Street near the old Railroad Salvage where the caller says there is a homeless man living in the concrete tubes at the former store location, and the tubes are covered with blankets and leaves; officer sent, found no trash, and that the subjects had one end of the tube covered up to keep the elements out.

9:04 a.m. - Caller reports he got a call from his daughter, who is having a verbal domestic with her boyfriend on Fourth Street, and the reporting party could hear screaming in the background; no children believed to be present, but there is an unknown male present with his daughter and her boyfriend, but no known weapons involved; the reporting party is en route to that address, but he said he would await officers outside; officers sent, and spoke with those involved, and the female was advised of her restraining order rights; and the male left with his belongings.

11 a.m. - Caller from Coolidge Avenue says his house was egged overnight; officer sent and reports this appears to have been random vandalism.

1:46 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports theft of a Chimnis backyard fire pit.

3:11 p.m. - Brush fire reported by a hiker in area of the wildlife management signs off Millers Falls Road; fire department sent.

5:14 p.m. - Caller from Meadow Road reports being harassed by an ex-girlfriend; officer went to the ex-girlfriend’s residence and spoke with her.

9:36 p.m. - Caller from area of J Street and Avenue A states she can see two females who appear unsteady on their feet; officers located two underage females, highly intoxicated; attempting to make contact with the parents.

Montague, April 10

9:54 a.m. - Officers assisting a deputy sheriff who has one under arrest on Grand Avenue: Lewis Perry, 41, of Grand Avenue, Millers Falls, charged with trespassing and resisting arrest.

10:23 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, reported on Central Street; investigation leads to arrest of Keith Mitchell Shaw, 36, of Central Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

11:05 a.m. - Officer in pursuit of two vehicles on Millers Falls Road; one of the vehicles crashed but no major injuries, and officer has both vehicles stopped; arrested was Kyle F. Pelis, 22, of West High Street, Erving, charged with operating to endanger, and failure to stop for police, and a summons is pending for another subject.

5:25 p.m. - Subject came into the station to report an accident that happened yesterday at the Tech School on Industrial Drive when her vehicle, operator by her daughter, was backed into by another vehicle; they spoke with each other and the operator of the second vehicle admitted he was at fault; she has been trying to get in touch with the operator or his father, but they haven’t returned calls; she has three estimates of damage averaging $1,500; officer was advised and will check.

Montague, April 11

6:57 p.m. - Larceny reported in the Food City parking lot by the reporting party, who came into the station to say a bag containing medical paperwork and medication was taken from his unlocked vehicle.

9:39 p.m. - Accident reported on Fifth Street near the Hair by Phase One; two vehicles involved, but no known injuries and no fluids leaking; officer sent, and advised both vehicles are operable, but over $1,000 damage, information exchanged; one operator was issued a citation for failure to stop at stop sign.

Montague, April 12

10:08 a.m. - Report of a larceny from F.L. Roberts, Third Street. Referred to an officer.

10:53 p.m. - Neighbor disturbance on Second Street. Peace restored.

11:06 p.m. - Domestic disturbance Turners Falls Road. Peace restored.

9:07 p.m. - Caller from Turnpike Road was passing by a residence and noticed a chimney fire.

Montague, April 13

9:22 a.m. - Report of trespassing on Grand Avenue. Lewis Perry, 42, of 4 Grand Ave. arrested and charged with breaking and entering to commit a misdemeanor and trespassing.

12:51 p.m. - Report of a larceny from Ristorante DiPaolo, 166 Avenue A. Services rendered.

3:54 p.m. - Two summonses issued to juveniles on charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct at the Sheffield Elementary School, 43 Crocker Ave.

Montague, April 14

7:30 a.m. - Accident with property damage on Lake Pleasant Road by Millers Falls Road. Single-car rollover, driver unhurt. Deer blamed.

5 p.m. - Trespassing reported from Industrial Boulevard by a woman who advises a truck was on her property; unable to locate.

Montague April 15

12:01 p.m. - Breaking and entering into a motor vehicle reported on Unity Street by the park; purse stolen from unlocked vehicle.

2:17 p.m. - Disorderly conduct, reported in Peskeomskut Park where the caller says kids are skateboarding on the benches; gone on arrival.

Montague, April 16

7:37 a.m. - Caller from Pinewood Circle reports her home was broken into last week; officer sent, report taken,

11:50 a.m. - Officer received information that there is an open window at the former Montague Center School, and requests that someone from DPW meet the officer there; they did a walk through and though nothing is missing or damaged, but the broken lock on the window will be fixed; there is new damage to the heaters, and they are concerned someone may return and steal the pipes; proper precautions for this will be instituted.

2:43 p.m. - Caller from the Erving side of Millers Falls reports someone is going door to door selling steak; the vehicle has the word “steak” on the side of a green Chevy S10 pickup; but unknown if it has crossed the bridge into Millers Falls side; officers advised.

Montague, April 18

12:30 p.m. - Caller from Fifth Street states she just saw a man in a pickup hit her car twice, get out, and go into the Second Street Bakery; officer sent and spoke to the operator, who has spoken to the reporting party and worked it out between themselves; no damage; the operator was advised of the status of his license and as he had no one to pick up his vehicle, he was brought to the station to renew his license.

3:55 p.m. - Caller from area of Avenue A and Seventh Street says that about 15 minutes prior she was struck by another vehicle; she says the other vehicle ran a red light going south; caller stated she was initially unaware she was actually hit, and that was the reason for the delay in calling; it was a blue Jeep and should have some front-end damage and paint transfer; the reporting party’s vehicle is a tan Toyota Camry, with damage to the driver’s side; officer spoke with the reporting party; report filed.

8:20 p.m. - Report of an outside fire or bonfire on Hatchery Road; Shelburne Control was advised by Turners Falls Fire Department, to contact Montague Center Fire Department, and that department extinguished the fire which was found to be an illegal burn.

Montague, April 19

12:52 a.m. - Officer assisting Erving Police at the paper mill bypass to Route 2 in Millers Falls; Erving has one under arrest, but two others then needed transport from that stop to the Stop Smart in Greenfield; Montague provided that transport.

6:48 a.m. - Caller from Grout Circle says a male was outside his windows, yelling names and obscenities at him; when that male saw the reporting party dialing the phone, he went back inside; officer spoke with both tenants and they are going to try to work things out.

4:15 p.m. - William Brannigan, 54, homeless or unknown address, arrested and charged with failure to register as a sex offender.

Montague, April 20

10:35 a.m. - Jason W. Salls, 34, of 42 Third St., Turners Falls, arrested on a straight warrant.

5:45 p.m. - Officer wanted on Eleventh Street. Devin M. Desroches, 25, of 22 X St., Turners Falls, arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. 8:51 p.m. - Caller reports arson attempt at Hillcrest Elementary School, 30 Griswold St.

Montague, April 21

4:44 p.m. - Caller reports burglary/breaking and entering at Third Street address. Report taken.

Montague, April 23

3:05 p.m. - Accident reported on Third Street where the caller says he was just rearended, on Third Street by the F.L. Roberts station.

7:20 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports theft of $40 to $50 of loose change, and $30 to $40 of silver coins; the caller noticed the money gone today, but it happened yesterday; officer to investigate.

Montague, April 24

6:58 a.m. - Vandalism reported by caller from Turners Falls Road who says her husband was leaving for work, and saw a bottle on the ground next to his vehicle; he then noticed the rear window of the vehicle is broken; officer was advised and sent.

9:49 a.m. - Vandalism reported on Millers Falls Road; eggs smashed on door.

12:43 p.m. - Caller from the area of the railroad tracks at Lake Pleasant inquiring if we knew when the train that has been idling since noon will be moved.

Montague, April 25

7:20 a.m. - DPW requests help on Canal Road to remove people from the pipes by the old Railroad Salvage building.

Montague, April 28

11:27 a.m. - Caller inquiring with the Turners Falls Fire Department, if they have any burn permits out today on Oakman Street, between Dell and Griswold street; caller advised there is considerable smoke in the area; dispatch confirmed with the fire department that two permits were issued in that area.

3 p.m. - Caller from Avenue A reports threatening and harassing text messages she and her mother are receiving; officer sent and the reporting party was given options and advised to call again if the calls continue.

6:25 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports annoying and harassing phone calls, and the caller says a female, who she doesn’t get along with, and who has allegedly been told by the reporting party not to speak with her son, did so at the baseball game today; she stated she called this female and told her not to talk to her or her son, and she alleges this female has called her three times now, and she wants the calls to stop; officer sent and advised her of options.

9:37 p.m. - Control got a call from the railroad describing a brush fire on the north side of the Connecticut River just after Millers Falls; while on the line, the railroad called back and stated the fire is actually burning railroad ties; Control has toned out Montague Center Fire Department; they are now on scene near the trestle bridge, and have the fire under control.

10:38 p.m. - Caller from Green Pond Road reports he just noticed some pry marks on his door that he hasn’t seen before, and believes someone tried to get into his house again; he requested an officer, and the officer advised there were marks, but uncertain whether they are new or old; officer advised the subject of precautions to take.

Montague, April 29

3:04 a.m. - Caller from Turners Falls Road requesting an officer regarding a stolen bike taken from his property; a girl’s red bike, taken overnight, while he was away. Officer to investigate.

10:26 a.m. - Caller reports a verbal argument in a domestic disturbance, on G Street, going on next door; officers found to be argument between the two people.

2:25 p.m. - Caller reports the unauthorized use of her credit union bank card.

3:46 p.m. - Caller from Third Street came to the station to inform an officer that the same person he called about earlier today just threatened him, and requests an officer stop by and discuss some type of restraining order.

4:33 p.m. - Caller from the F.L. Roberts gas station/store has a person on tape shoplifting and officer was able to identify the person involved, and will be on the lookout.

5:12 p.m. - Breaking and entering reported on Turnpike Road where the caller says he just got home and found his door open, and items missing; the apartment is on the second floor; he was advised not to touch anything and a officer is en route. Under investigation.

Montague, April 30

11:17 a.m. - Caller from L Street claims his physical therapist just burst into his apartment after being told not to come in; he stated the door was locked when he said this; the therapist has since left; officers sent, and found there are no signs of forced entry; the reporting party was advised to call the agency and tell them he doesn’t want them there until after noon.

12:24 p.m. - Caller from the area of the Black Cow Burger Bar on Avenue A reporting a car on fire behind their building, and they said the car is next to a building and a dumpster; officer and fire department sent; other calls came in about the car fire; the fire is out and a tow truck is requested; under investigation.

3:07 p.m. - Larceny reported at F.L. Roberts on Third Street where they say they just had a shoplifting with the same person involved in yesterday’s incident; officer located the involved person who admitted taking items; she was advised she needed to pay for the items, and if this was done the store wouldn’t pursue charges.

5:27 p.m. - Arrested Jason W. Salls, 34, of Third Street, Turners Falls, charged with failure to register as a sex offender.

6:50 p.m. - An officer was approached by a person who reported that a youth near the ball fields on Montague Street had a pocket knife; officer located and spoke with the youth, and has been in contact with the mother, and she was advised of what transpired.

Montague, May 1

6:17 a.m. - Female caller requested her options regarding a male who has been recently going through her discarded recycleables, and said the items are out on the sidewalk to be picked up; she was wondering if it was legal for the male to do so; she was advised that once the trash or recyclables are out on the sidewalk to be picked up, they become “discarded,” and are free game.

8:45 a.m. - Caller from Coolidge Avenue requests removal of a man from her home, and states he is under the influence of liquor; officers sent and peace was restored.

9:04 p.m. - Caller from Coolidge Avenue reports that after officers cleared her residence, the same man returned, and was reportedly banging on the door and opened a window to talk to her, but no damage was done and entry wasn’t made; officer on Turners Falls Road with the man, and he denied returning to the residence; he was advised not to return there.

Montague, May 4

1:12 a.m. - 911 caller reports a fight on Third Street in the vicinity of the laundromat, resulting in the arrest of Elmer Mejica, 26, of 73.5 Fifth Street. Charged with disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault and battery on a police officer.

11:14 p.m. - 911 caller reports domestic disturbance at East Main Street address. David E. Hmieleski, 33, of 62 South Prospect St., Millers Falls, arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery, disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace, subsequent offense.

Montague, May 5

6:43 a.m. - 911 caller reports domestic disturbance at East Main Street address. Summons issued for domestic assault and battery and intimidating a witness. 7:58 p.m. - Warrant arrest on Avenue A. Joshua A. Hammond, 35, of 104 South Prospect St., Millers Falls, arrested on two default warrants.

2:44 p.m. - Accident reported on East Chestnut Hill Road where the caller says he heard tires squealing and saw the vehicle go off the road.

3:30 p.m. - Caller from Lyman Street reports there is a young girl riding a mini bike on the side streets off Millers Falls Road, and doesn’t believe the girl is old enough to be riding it; officer spoke with the girl’s father, and advised him of the situation.

4:48 p.m. - Accident in vicinity of Bridge Street; two vehicles involved, and personal injury.

7:10 p.m. - Received two calls from area of Seventh and Canal streets of a female in a shopping cart in the roadway; officer responded and the caller advised him that the woman in the cart is intoxicated; officers found the male involved was making a pit-stop and left the woman in the cart on the side of the road. They were moved along.

7:58 p.m. - Off duty officer advised a person with a known warrant is in Jay K’s Liquors on Avenue A; arrested was Joshua A. Hammond, 35, of Prospect Street, Millers Falls, on two default warrants.

Montague, May 6

9:08 a.m. - Officers requested on Chestnut Street where the caller reports a breaking and entering, in progress; officers sent, and advised this is a civil matter, and nothing inside the apartment can be done until the tenant is moved out.

11:42 a.m. - Caller from Millers Falls Road reports a possible breaking and entering, as he observed the screen removed and the window is up at an apartment there; officer reported there doesn’t seem to be anything missing.

1:23 p.m. - Caller says someone is shooting in the sand pit off Plains Road; officer noted there is a sign posted which advises no shooting; the registered owner of the pickup there was advised and officer will be contacting the parents of the others involved.

3:11 p.m. - Fire reported by off-duty officer, who got a call reporting smoke in the area of Turners Falls Road, looking toward Randall Road; fire department notified, and en route, and then advised this fire is going to be in Deerfield; Shelburne Control to notify Deerfield Fire Department.

4:37 p.m. - A walk-in reports her daughter is a student at Great Falls Middle School and had some items stolen from her locker there.

4:37 p.m. - Another walkin reports that after a call to us this morning, that a box of medications is now missing; officer to investigate.

6:28 p.m. - Domestic disturbance on L Street where the caller reports she could hear yelling and screaming coming from the second floor of a house at the corner of Spring and L streets; officers sent, and the people involved stated it was verbal only; both were advised of the complaint.

10:41 p.m. - Officers on East Main Street to serve a warrant; arrested was David Edward Hmieleski, 33, of South Prospect Street, Millers Falls.

Montague, May 7

11:23 p.m. - Report of loud noises behind Fourth Street buildings where the caller says there are people on a rear porch; another caller also reports the same loud parties, outside the rear of a Fifth Street building; officers sent, spoke with known subjects, and they have been advised of the complaints.

Montague, May 8

12:10 a.m. - Report of loud music coming from across Lake Pleasant; the reporting party is on Lake Pleasant Road, and believes the disturbance is coming from Kinsman Drive; officer sent to check the area and he says he did hear guitar music on arrival, but believes the party involved went inside when he saw the cruiser; spoke with a relative who came out to speak with the officer; they were advised to tell the music playing person to cease, or he will be charged.

5:31 p.m. - Caller from Third Street and Avenue A reports she was waiting at the bus stop when she was approached by a male who began yelling and screaming at her; officer sent, but unable to locate the male.

9:34 p.m. - Caller from Eleventh Street reports he was driving through the Patch area and someone threw rocks at his vehicle.

9:37 p.m. - Complaint of a marijuana odor in the building at Park Villa Apartments; officer checked the building, and also checked the alleged offender’s residence, and nothing was found; the officer then spoke with the reporting party and asked her to show him where the odor was coming from.

9:50 p.m. - Breaking and entering, reported into a red van on G Street.

10:02 p.m. - Turners Falls Fire Department, advises they are responding to Fourth Street for an oven issue; officers notified.

Montague, May 9

12:08 p.m. - Walk-in reports that three unauthorized transactions were made against her bank account, using her debit card.

2:40 p.m. - Caller from Lake Pleasant Road got a threatening e-mail from a known person; officer investigating, and charges are likely to follow.

3:48 p.m. - Report of a tree or large limb down on wires on Walnut Street; WMECO contacted, and later the tree was removed by them.

6:40 p.m. - Caller from East Main Street reports getting harassing phone calls from a known man, and says he has called in excess of 67 times; Verizon told her it can block text messages, but not phone calls; the caller was advised to keep a phone log, and keep any voicemails that he leaves for her, and she was encouraged not to return his calls; she will go to court in the morning to seek a harassment order.

7:28 p.m. - Caller from Hillside Road reports a man came to her door twice today, and was asking her what her views were on the welfare system; she felt he was suspicious; officer located the man and found he is from Ohio, attempting to sell magazines; he was advised of the procedure of registering with the police department for this activity.

8:40 p.m. - Domestic disturbance on Montague City Road where the caller says she can hear a male and female voices, fighting, from an apartment there, but names were unknown; officers sent, and the involved people said it was verbal only; they were advised of the complaint.

9:09 p.m. - Caller from Third Street reports an unwanted male, but says she and the male have been drinking today and at some point he was asked to leave; all involved were spoken with, and cooled off for the night.

Montague, May 10

7:17 a.m. - Report of a skunk acting strangely on School Street, and caller suspects it might be rabid; animal is pacing back and forth in the road; officer sent, and the skunk is now dead and the officer will attempt to dispose of it since the DPW is closed until Monday.

7:39 a.m. - Vandalism reported from Third Street where the caller says someone slashed her tire sometime after 9 p.m.

8:50 a.m. - Vandalism reported on Turners Falls Road, where the caller says a vehicle tore up her shrubs and lawn overnight.

11:08 p.m. - Report of a burglary/breaking and entering at Federal Street address. Services rendered.

Montague, May 12

10:11 a.m. - Vandalism on Randall Road where the caller says his mailbox was smashed for the third time; 7:52 p.m. - Illegal dumping reported in the Family Dollar Dumpster behind the store.

Montague, May 13

10:41 a.m. - Officer at Hillcrest Homes to make arrest of Aaron Lastowski, 35, of Hadley, charged with three counts of indecent assault and battery on a person 14 or over.

1:03 p.m. - Officer sent to the post office on Avenue A for report of a minor accident, but no injury reported; one van and one sedan involved; one vehicle backed into the second vehicle; investigation led to arrest of Christopher Michael Poirier, 21, of South Shelburne Road, Greenfield, on a warrant. Poirier was given a verbal warning for failure to use care in backing in the accident.

Montague, May 14

10:48 a.m. - Caller from K Street reports a person with red hair and a military type jacket was cutting branches off his apple tree, about 30 minutes ago; he was advised to call as it is happening in the future; officer was advised.

11:11 a.m. - Caller from the Franklin Area Survival Center on Fourth Street that a customer’s motorized wheelchair stopped working; the female had called the company that owns the chair and alleges they told her to call the police for assistance; officer sent and checking the area where this female’s son may be working, for assistance; officer back at the center, a family member was advised and will be arriving shortly; also a Triad officer is nearby and will respond to help with repair as well.

12:53 a.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Second Street where an argument took place.

2:15 p.m. - Illegal dumping reported on West Chestnut Hill Road, and caller says she found a couple of pill bottles with names and address on them; officer to investigate.

5:34 p.m. - Caller from L Street reports a classmate of her son was harassing and threatening him at school; the information was given to an officer who went to speak to the other youth involved, and his parents, and will be contacting the school to report the earlier incident as well.

8:53 p.m. - Officer received a call directly reporting two bears in the area of Swamp Road and being aggressive toward pedestrians; call was placed to Environmental Police; and they were advised; officer spoke to residents there who said the bears were feeding at the bird feeders that were left out, one of the bears “charged” toward a house, they said, but enough noise was made, and the bears left the area, headed over the tracks; the feeders have since been taken in.

11:55 p.m. - Caller advising of a man lying in the driveway to the Food City parking area; officers sent, and the male was taken into protective custody with a high blood alcohol content.

Montague, May 15

2:18 p.m. - Vandalism reported at Seventh Street where the caller says someone spray painted her bike.

3:23 p.m. - Caller from Twelfth Street reports she suspects her neighbor of stealing her welcome mat from her front porch; she states she has a camera mounted on the front and back of the house, and has a female on camera taking the item; officer to investigate.

Montague, May 17

7:34 p.m. - Joshua A. Hammond, 35, of 28 Bridge St. arrested on a default warrant.

9:37 p.m. - Motor vehicle violation on Millers Falls Road. Arrested Vera Hasanova, 55, of 9B Griswold St. Charged with attaching plates to a vehicle, driving an unregistered vehicle, no license plate light.

Montague, May 18

1:09 a.m. - 911-caller reports theft of motor vehicle. Arrested Christopher D. French, 23, of 9 Kettle Hole Lane on a charge of larceny of a motor vehicle.

Montague, May 19

Montague, May 19

3:36 p.m. - Walk-in reports breaking and entering at Griswold Street address

3:36 p.m. - Report of breaking and entering, on Griswold Street; the reporting party says her apartment was broken into and a locked box, with medication and jewelry items inside, are missing.

9:47 p.m. - Breaking and entering, reported on Third Street where the caller says he left his apartment today at about 2 p.m., and returned 20 minutes ago, to find his door had been kicked in, and there are items missing.

10:07 p.m. - Caller from West Mineral Road reports a mother bear, with her cub, were outside at their bird feeders; she was advised to keep any pets inside, as well as not to go outside, and in the future to take in any trash or bird feeders.

Montague, May 20

7:52 a.m. - Walk-in reports a hit-and-run accident at Unity and Central streets; the reporting party says his vehicle was on Unity Street at the time of the accident; when it was struck by the vehicle pulling out of Central Street; he pulled his into Park Street to a place he could safely park, but the vehicle that hit him continued down Unity toward the gas station; he says there is minor damage to his vehicle, but couldn’t tell if the other operator was male or female; officer sent and noted the right rear bumper wrap, cracked and dented, and the tire rim was also scratched; under investigation.

3:50 p.m. - Caller advises he was going by the Montague Inn on Federal Street, and saw four or five males fighting in the parking lot, and stated he did overhear one male make reference to getting a baseball bat from his trunk; no other information, and caller had left the scene; officers went, spoke to employees inside and checked the outside; no fight.

4 p.m. - Vandalism reported on Park Street where the caller says she found damage to her vehicle, a Pontiac Grand Prix, this morning; she advised the driver’s side mirror had been smashed.

5:05 p.m. - Walk-in reports she is being harassed by two neighbors; officer spoke with her and her boyfriend, and they were advised of options.

8:15 p.m. - Caller from Turners Falls Road reports a power outage in the area and hears popping sounds from the poles outside; WMECO notified and a crew will be coming out.

8:21 p.m. - Report of possible gunshots in the area, but the caller is unsure if it was fireworks; officer checking the area, spoke to a couple of people walking who believed it was fireworks.

8:50 p.m. - A 911 female caller from G Street reports her brother and father were fighting, and that someone was injured, and there was, “a lot of blood,” but she advised there were no weapons involved; investigation led to arrest of Javier Ortiz, 19, of G Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic); the second male involved was taken to Baystate Franklin Medical Center.

11:34 p.m. - General disturbance reported in the alley way between Third and Fourth Streets where the caller says a male and female have been yelling back and forth between a car and a porch; officer found the situation has quieted for the night.

Montague, May 21

7:29 a.m. - Caller from O Street on 911, but abandoned; officers spoke with the person who called who runs a day care, and one of the parents was irate; she advised the female involved has since left. Officers found no problems on site at this time; the day care provider advised the parent not to return with the child; she will call back if the parent returns.

9:05 a.m. - Walk-in reports harassment in that someone he knows has been sending defaming e-mails to his employer and to his Facebook friends; he has already been in contact with an officer about this, but needed to add the e-mails to his employer.

1:38 p.m. - Walk-in reports a bear on High Street in Greenfield, and the person says the bear has been there on and off for several days; the reporting person is concerned due to the number of spectators that the bear has been attracting; the person was given phone numbers for Greenfield and Environmental Police.

2:33 p.m. - Report of odor of rubber burning in the basement on Warner Street, and the caller confirmed no smoke showing; Turners Falls Fire Department, and officer responding.

4:35 p.m. - Caller driving through the area of Park Street reports seeing a cloud of smoke in the street, and he could smell an odor of marijuana in the area; officer sent to check, but unable to locate anything.

8:51 p.m. - Caller from Central Street says she was inside her apartment when she heard a loud stereo from a vehicle outside, went to the window, and saw what she believed to be her ex-boyfriend’s vehicle; officer sent and the reporting female filled out a statement form, and a summons is being sought for violation of a restraining order.

Montague, May 22

12:27 a.m. - State police in Northampton received an abandoned 911 call that was mapped to area of Montague City Road and Greenfield Road, and when the state police called back, a male answered, only he refused to speak with the officer; he handed the phone to a female who said, “I was arguing with my boyfriend. He’s an a-hole,” and then added she was all set. Local officers did respond to the area, and learned the female went with another woman, to go to Springfield, where the female was later dropped.

9:06 p.m. - Report from L Street that her daughter was just choked by a known man; investigation led to arrest of Thomas Matthews, Jr., 24, of Fourth Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

3:25 p.m. - Warrant being served on Avenue A at Powertown Apartments; arrested was Arthur R. Fisk, 32, of East Main Street, Orange.

Montague, May 23

8:04 a.m. - Walk-in reports an accident at Park and Unity streets; the reporting person says that while she was parked behind another vehicle at the stop sign at Park Street, the truck backed up and struck her vehicle; minor damage noted.

1:52 p.m. - Officer wanted at Sheffield Elementary School where a woman is calling regarding an issue that just occurred; officers sent, and the mother was requesting to speak with the chief about the incident and her alleged treatment when officers arrived, and the fact that the school had invited her there, and she was feeling bullied; units were advised of a trespass order on the mother; the reporting party and the mother are speaking with school personnel who will be handling the matter internally. The reporting party’s mother may be coming to the station to discuss this further.

2:20 p.m. - Caller from the Greenfield Savings Bank on Avenue A requests an officer to come to speak with a female who has reported checks stolen from her wallet last week; the female reported the theft to Montague Police last week, but she was unsure if she mentioned the checks were inside the wallet when she made the report, officer now advises that a couple of checks that were stolen were cashed at Food City; the information was passed on to a detective who is the investigating officer.

10:05 p.m. - Caller states her neighbors on Worcester Avenue are tearing down her fence; she didn’t know who it was and isn’t sure they are there now; officer sent and checked the area, but nothing found. Similar calls previously didn’t reveal any damage to fences.

Montague, May 24

1:23 a.m. - Fire alarm at Judd Wire on Turnpike Road; fire department responding, and officer sent, no smoke or fire seen; building has been evacuated, and the reporting party was also advised to leave and await the fire department; building checked, nothing found; command terminated, and units returning.

7:45 a.m. - Caller from the Book Mill on Greenfield Road reports her purse was stolen from there last night while she was listening to music on the second floor.

8:44 a.m. - Report of vandalism on South Prospect Street. Services Rendered.

1:36 p.m. - Report of vandalism on Davis Street. Services Rendered.

3:10 p.m. - Report of a larceny from Simon’s Stamps, 320 Avenue A.

Montague, May 25

2:30 p.m. - Report of vandalism at Gary’s Coins and Antiques, 115 Avenue A.

4:58 p.m. Caller reports structure fire on Turnpike Road, by Sandy Lane. Chimney smoke, no fire.

Montague, May 26

3:25 p.m. - Report of an accident with property damage on greenfield Road. Advised of options.

Montague, May 27

10:43 a.m. - Caller from area of the bike path near Masonic Avenue says that over the past two days she has heard what sounded like either gunshots or fireworks in the area and most recently heard them about 11 p.m. while she was out walking her dogs on the path and she observed tire tracks and fur or hair on the path, and suspects someone was hunting in that area; she was advised to call immediately if she hears this again; officer advised.

2:21 p.m. - 911 calls reporting a vehicle off the road, but no personal injuries; a deputy sheriff also reports the same via radio; officer to investigate and found cause of the accident was determined to be a defective left front wheel; a man with a flatbed is en route to remove the vehicle.

8:23 p.m. - Report of an accident with property damage on Worcester Avenue; two vehicles involved; no personal injuries reported, and one vehicle was parked; owner is fine with exchange of information.

9:55 p.m. - Accident reported on Old Northfield Road where a pickup struck a tree after reportedly swerving to miss a deer; no personal injuries; the Ford Ranger was removed.

10:39 p.m. - Caller from South Prospect Street complaining of train that has been “dieseling” for some time now and is very loud; call was placed to Pan Am Railroad who advised they did have a train out there today, but it has since moved.

Montague, May 28

2:50 p.m. - Walk-in reports her iPhone was stolen from Sheffield School; officer to investigate.

5:57 p.m. - Reporting person came into the station to file a complaint for breaking and entering into his residence by a known male.

Montague, May 29

9:13 a.m. - Report of a downed wire and blown transformer on Dry Hill Road.

Montague, May 30

11:48 a.m. - Caller from Greenfield expressing concern regarding the sheriff ’s department having prisoner’s working in Beacon Field with only one supervisor.

5:40 p.m. - Officers on Third Street to serve a warrant; arrested was Christi Newton, 36, of Third Street, Turners Falls, on a straight warrant.

10:36 p.m. - Officers on L Street to serve a warrant; arrested was Cayla S. Plasse, 21, of L Street, Turners Falls.

Montague, June 2

6:12 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Second Street where the caller sought assistance with his child’s mother and getting his child back from her.

7:43 p.m. - Caller from Federal Street reports there was a loud explosion type noise, and then the power went out, and the pole outside was on fire; Montague Center Fire Department sent and a WMECO trouble shooter was also on the scene; found that a branch fell and caused a popped fuse.

9:44 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, reported on G Street where a woman reported there has been a male and female running up and down the street, fighting with each other; officer located the people and the female said the male showed up to get some of his belonging and was intoxicated; the male then flagged the officer down and said he would be contacting the female tomorrow, when he was sober.

10:45 p.m. - Probation officer called requesting a check on a man on Canal Street where his GPS is showing that he is home, but he hadn’t done his scheduled sobriety test, and he will need to contact them; officer made contact, and the subject said the first test didn’t go through, but it appears the second test will go through; officer observed the man take the test.

Montague, June 3

12:28 p.m. - Unwanted person reported at Second Street location where the caller would like a female removed from her apartment; the caller states the other woman isn’t renting, but only stays there on occasion; officers found it to be a verbal argument and the female is removing her things.

1:12 p.m. - Officer wanted on Winthrop Street where the caller states her daughter is trying to steal the caller’s pills, and is threatening to leave in the reporting person’s vehicle; officers sent, and the reporting party states the female has left in her vehicle, and possibly headed to Millers Falls; officer following the female, and she refuses to stop; vehicle crashed in Templeton; the operator is OK.

3:56 p.m. - Caller from Second Street requests an officer speak to the female she threw out of her apartment earlier today; she alleges she has been receiving threatening text messages; officer sent and advised the female involved to cease the text messages or face charges. 6:06 p.m. - Breaking and entering, on Fifth Street; officer responded and took pictures; under investigation.

Montague, June 4

9 a.m. - Officer in Greenfield to make a warrant arrest of Matthew Brian Rivera, 22, of Seventh Street, Turners Falls, charged with two counts of statutory rape of a child.

9:40 a.m. - Fraud reported on Stevens Street where the caller reports fraudulent charges on her credit card and information on her credit report is in

Montague, June 5

2:02 p.m. - A 911 caller reports a fight at Walnut Street and Turnpike Road; officer says a male left with a child, and situation was physical; probable cause issued for arrest; Greenfield responded and took the man in custody; arrested was Thomas E. Mimitz Jr., 20, of L Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic); he was then turned over to Montague officers for transport here.

3 p.m. - Caller from area of G Street reports there is a group of about seven, 20-ish year old females, standing on the corner of G and Eleventh streets, yelling obscenities up toward an apartment in that area; the reporting person is concerned they are trying to incite something; officers sent, but nothing showing; officer spoke with some people who witnessed the kids and they have dispersed.

5:50 p.m. - Caller from Federal Street reports a Norwood Brothers logging truck with a high stacked load didn’t make the clearance for the railroad bridge on Route 63, approaching Millers Falls, and may have damaged the bridge; the truck was last seen entering the Route 63 Roadhouse parking lot; officer sent, found nothing at the parking lot, and checked the bridge, but found no damage.

5:58 p.m. - Caller from area of Eleventh and G streets says a disturbance that appears as if it could escalate to a fight at any time, involves three teenage females; officers located the females on the bike path, and they were advised not to return to the Patch tonight; their parents were also spoken to and advised; the dispute was over a boy two of the girls used to date.

6:51 p.m. - While officer was on a medical call at the Farren Shelter, he was approached by a male stating his medication was stolen from his locked backpack; he states someone ripped through the side of the backpack, and his whole prescription of 120 Oxycodone was stolen. Report taken.

7:20 p.m. - General disturbance reported at the parking lot of Rau’s Towing on Turners Falls Road where there is a female yelling obscenities. Peace was restored.

10:01 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports three baby raccoons are under a van parked out in front of the apartment building and believes the mother might have been killed earlier, and now they are alone; she was advised we would call Environmental Police.

10:30 p.m. - Report of an accident on the corner of Greenfield and Hatchery roads; one vehicle, no injury reported, no fluid leaking, but a tow truck was needed. Arrested was Thomas E. Mimitz Jr., 20, of L Street, Turners Falls, charged with operating under the influence of liquor, failing to drive in the right lane, and operating to endanger.

Montague, June 6

3:59 a.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports her sister has barricaded herself in the caller’s apartment and was smashing the reporting person’s belongings around the apartment; officers sent, and officer then advises that peace has been restored, for now; the reporting party will be leaving for the rest of the morning, and she will go back home after the other female wakes up.

9:53 a.m. - Domestic disturbance on Alice Street where the caller says a male and female are yelling outside a house there; the female is trying to put her child into her vehicle, but the two are still arguing; officers sent, the female left prior to officer’s arrival, and the male claimed it was verbal only.

11:55 a.m. - Caller from Fourth Street alleges someone stole $500 out of her safe; unknown when this happened.

6:25 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Fourth Street; officers found a disturbance between two females, in the alley behind the Pizza House; situation has been calmed down and one of the women will be taking a walk, and has permission to return to the apartment.

6:29 p.m. - Shoplifting reported from the F.L. Roberts gas station and convenience store on Third Street, where the caller says a woman allegedly stole a half-dozen Little Debbie snacks, and put them in her purse; officers located the woman, the items were recovered.

7:14 p.m. - Harassment reported from caller on Seventh Street regarding an on-going bullying issue involving her son: a child from her child’s school, and the child’s father, have been bullying and taunting him. She has already contacted the school, among other steps, to no avail; officer responded and took the report.

Montague, June 7

8:05 a.m. - Fire alarm sounding at Sheffield Elementary School, but no smoke or flames detected by the caller; simultaneously the box alarm came in and Turners Falls Fire Department, is responding. Officer also responding.

Montague, June 10

11:49 a.m. - Report of breaking and entering, at Swift River Hydro Electric on Canal Street; two kayaks and some porcelain dolls were taken. Report filed.

Montague, June 11

8:49 p.m. - Accident reported near Family Dollar on Avenue A; two cars involved. No injuries listed.

Montague, June 12

3:55 a.m. - Caller on an emergency line reports an audible alarm at the Country Creemee on Millers Falls Road; caller, who is a supervisor at the Hillside Plastics next door, can’t see any light in the Creemee; officers responded and found an open window; K-9 called in for a track; key holder is en route; building is clear; under investigation by police

Montague, June 13

11:10 p.m. - Caller from Third Street says a male walked into her apartment building and made threats to her and her boyfriend; it was revealed that the boyfriend of the reporting person is a registered level 2 sex offender, and this is possibly the reason for the threats.

11:53 p.m. - Caller from Green Pond Road reports a man rang her door bell and asked if he could get a ride downtown, but he was told no; the man asked if he could spend the night on the porch, and again he was told no; on arrival the man complained of a left knee injury, and said he is having trouble walking; BHA was notified, and he was transported to the hospital.

Montague, June 14

2:30 a.m. - Caller from Ervingside of West High Street from where a man called to report a past domestic assault between a female friend and her husband; officer still investigating and reports it appears there is a probable cause for arrest.

5:19 p.m. - Accident with property damage, Southworth Paper Mill, 36 Canal Road. Report taken.

Montague, June 15

9:19 a.m. - 911 caller reports accident, Millers Falls Road and Industrial Boulevard.

12:27 p.m. - Accident with personal injury on Avenue A at Third Street. Removed to hospital.

Montague, June 16

3:04 p.m. - Domestic disturbance on Bridge Street. Arrest made.

Montague, June 16

1:11 p.m. - Vandalism reported on Central Street from where the caller says that sometime between 4 a.m. and now, someone punctured her rear driver’s side tire with a nail; officer spoke with that person and report taken.

2:46 p.m. - Caller from the F.L. Roberts gas station on Third Street, a 13-yearold, reports he has found his Mongoose BMX bike, which was stolen one month ago; it is now in the hands of a male classmate; officer sent, and the bike was recovered and returned to the owner; the mother of the other child was also spoken to as well.

3:04 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Bridge Street where the caller says her partner is highly intoxicated and causing a disturbance in front of three children in the apartment; the caller said she left home two days ago due to similar behavior, and the partner had promised to get some help; during this call she stated the partner couldn’t stand up very well, and had been pushing her; no weapons involved and no injuries as of this time; officers sent; arrested was Leslye D. Clayton, 49, of Bridge Street, Millers Falls. charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

3:17 p.m. - Caller on the business line report an audible fire alarm on Third Street, but when dispatch requested more information, the caller disconnected the line; Turners Falls Fire Department copied the call, and once on scene determined it to be caused by a smoke machine, and the responsible person was located.

5:22 p.m. - Walk-in reporting a breaking and entering, at his home on Laurel Lane, without forcible entry, but couldn’t say when it happened; he made a comment about a security system and wanting to talk with an officer, for now.

Montague, June 17

1:25 a.m. - Officer checking on a vehicle stopped on the side of the road at Unity and Grove streets; possibly with two people outside of the car; found that two males were walking together, when a female operator stopped to pick them up; a verbal argument had ensued, and all have since resolved their issues, and left together.

2:11 a.m. - Greenfield Police requests a K-9 officer to assist in locating a male who fled from a motor vehicle stop by state police on River Street in that town.

3:26 a.m. - Burglary or breaking and entering, reported on Fifth Street where the 911 caller says she woke up at about 1:30 this morning, and noticed that her TV is missing; she said she and her son were the only ones home, and they were both sleeping.

8:53 a.m. - A caseworker for Clinic Support Options states he is in front of a client’s apartment, and a person with a restraining order is parked out front; officers arrested Ivan P. Santiago, 24, of Springfield, on a warrant, and for violation of abuse prevention restraining order.

11:39 a.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports a used hypodermic needle on the ground at the entrance to the Fourth Street parking lot; officer sent, but unable to locate.

12:50 p.m. - Unwanted person reported at Farren Care Center where they request an officer to remove a white, shirtless, male, who has been seen looking into patient’s windows, and is drinking from a bottle in a bag on the smoking dock area of the building; the reporting person states they had to remove the same male from the property in the past for the same issue; officer’s sent, but were unable to locate him; they will be on the lookout for him.

2:51 p.m. - Report of an accident at Millers Falls Road and Industrial Boulevard, with a tractor-trailer and a car involved; heavy front-end damage.

3:19 p.m - Caller from Masonic Avenue requesting an assist for a large turtle in the road, and she is afraid it will be hit; officer responded, and the turtle was moved to a safer location.

4:41 p.m. - Caller from Turners Falls Road reports a call from “Protection Services,” from a female who said the FBI is reporting a rise in statistics for home break ins, and asking if she would like an alarm system installed; the caller here told them she wasn’t interested, and gave dispatch the number of the people who called her; police found this is a number from New York and no other details; Google shows this is consistent with other complaints of the same.

7:14 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on High Street where the caller says she was just assaulted by her mother; she adds she and her mother were arguing and the mother grabbed her by the wrist and held her down, and in the process, the reporting person said her knee was injured; officer spoke with the involved people, and their extended family, and peace was restored.

Montague, June 19

9:46 p.m. - Caller who was not on the scene reports he is en route to High Street location, as he was alerted by his sister that there is a domestic problem there; he advised his elderly parents live here and are attempting to throw out their 27-year-old granddaughter; mother and other family members are believed to be at the scene; officer returned, and a second officer also there, spoke with the people and other family members who had shown up, and again, peace was restored.

Montague, June 20

1:48 p.m. - Caller reports an Aerostar van with Connecticut plates was all over Montague City Road, from Cumberland Farms to Farren Care Center; officer found both occupants are unlicensed, but they were not seen operating by the officers; the occupants were making arrangements for a licensed driver to drive the vehicle from the scene.

4:41 p.m. - Caller from the Salvation Army Thrift Store reports she just discovered what appear to be pry marks to the rear door to the business, but unknown if any entry was made; officer sent and advised no entry made as the door was bolted from inside.

6:43 p.m. - Arrested Walter H. Perry, 35, of Coolidge Avenue Turners Falls, on three warrants.

Montague, June 24

5:11 p.m. - Caller complaining of a train that daily parks on the crossing at Lake Pleasant for 30 to 45 minutes, so that traffic is forced to turn around; call was placed to the railroad, and an operations person advised he will address the issue with the dispatchers.

6:01 p.m. - Caller from Second Street reports she was just harassed by a known female, and said that the female was outside her residence yelling and calling her names.

Montague, June 25

2:36 a.m. - Domestic disturbance reported on Fourth Street where the investigation led to arrest of Michael A. Crowder, 30, of Fourth Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic), 5:31 a.m. - Report of a “ginormous” snapping turtle in the road on Avenue A; it was moved out of the road.

8:53 a.m. - Shoplifting reported at Food City; name given and officer checking an address on Fourth Street, but learned the suspect no longer lives there.

9:40 a.m. - Domestic disturbance on Fifth Street where the caller advised he can hear yelling and screaming from the apartment below him, a male and female; the caller is aware that there is a small child in the apartment normally; officer spoke to both parties, and the male has since left; found to be verbal only, but the male did break the female’s phone, but she wasn’t interested in pursuing anything.

Montague, June 25

6:13 p.m. - Arrested Michael Franklin McCaffrey, 35, of Fifth Street, Turners Falls, on a default warrant.

6:30 p.m. - Threats and harassment reported from L Street where the caller says she is a pesonal care attendant, and a person she works for had a previous issue with a male who was just sentenced to jail today; the girlfriend of this male is now contacting the caller via phone and Facebook, in part blaming the reporting person for the fact the boyfriend is now in jail; she was encouraged to save any messages, texts, etc that she may receive and speak with a detective tomorrow, or call back if the harassment continues .

11:45 p.m. - Arrested Rayner A. Enyong, 39, of Oak Courts, Greenfield, on a probation warrant.

Montague, June 26

9:28 a.m. - Neighborhood disturbance on Gunn Road, where the reporting person is putting up a fence 2 feet from the boundary, and says he just had the land surveyed, and is concerned a neighbor may damage the fence once it is erected; officer will attempt to speak with that neighbor, and advised the reporting person to call back if there is any problem.

12:36 p.m. - Domestic disturbance on Old Stage Road where two 911 calls reported a 15-year-old out of control; officers discussed situation with those inside; daughter eventually was arrested and charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

3:16 p.m. - Larceny reported from the Hallmark Institute of Photography on Millers Falls Road where the caller says a light meter is missing.

8:32 p.m. - Report of the burglar alarm going off at Montague Center School building on School Street; officer and key holder both responding, found an unsecured door on the South side of the building; officers entered the building, checked, and found nothing; building secured.

9:02 p.m. - Caller from Central Street says she noticed their Play Station 3 is missing.

9:59 p.m. - Caller from Massasoit Street says his daughter is being harassed by text and phone by her ex-boyfriend; officer to investigate.

Montague, June 27

10:45 p.m. - Officer wanted on Second Street following a call from a person away from home who would like an officer to have everyone except the daughter removed from his apastment; officers sent, and the daughter at first said no one was inside, but an officer could see at least one other person inside; investigation leads to arrest of Juan Ramon Vera-Clemente, 27, of Abbott Street, Greenfield, on a default warrant.

Montague, June 28

6:13 a.m. - Store manager at F.L. Roberts station on Third Street to take a report of shoplifting.

9:41 a.m. - Officer reports a large area of water built up at Avenue C and Griswold Street; DPW supervisor was notified, but said there is nothing that can be done about this location.

Montague, June 30

11:27 a.m. - Caller from K Street reporting for the record that his garage was broken into sometime last night; the reporting person said he found the side window out on the ground and items rummaged through, but nothing is missing; .

3:03 p.m. - Caller from Winthrop Street requests an officer to assist in removing his girlfriend from his car; he is trying to leave, but she won’t get out; officer sent and reports the reporting person and the girlfriend are breaking up and were arguing over property that the reporting person didn’t want to give back to her; the reporting person is en route to Conway where the property is located; the female and her mother are en route there as well; Conway Police have been notified and will meet them at the residence to help facilitate the property return.

3:45 p.m. - Caller from Park Street reports his truck was broken into last night and found the passenger door open, and his GPS missing.

Montague, July 1

1:26 a.m. - State police request we check welfare of a person on Church Street who made suicidal threats following a verbal domestic with his parents in Sunderland.

8:02 a.m. - Reporting person says his unlocked motor vehicle was entered on two recent occasions.

12:24 p.m. - Officer wanted on Third Street, where there is a disturbance reported taking place involving a male and female, with yelling and screaming; officers en route, and dispatch was advised one subject ran out the front door; officer in pursuit on foot, and the male was located behind the Cutlery Block on Third Street; the subject had to be sprayed at the scene and then was decontaminated at the police station before being taken to court; arrested was Jeffrey Wayne Poirier, 27, of unknown address, in Turners Falls, on three default warrants.

5:43 p.m. - Walk-in reports she struck a deer in the area of Mormon Hollow Road, or nearby; she hit the deer but didn’t stop, and left the area, but she is sure it would have injuries; officer notified, but unable to locate the injured deer.

8:36 p.m. - Caller reports she was walking on Avenue A near the former Ristorante DiPaolo and saw a male and female fighting; officers checked the entire downtown area, but unable to locate any issues or problems.

Montague, July 2

12:39 a.m. - Caller requests police check around her apartment building on Avenue A, where, within the last hour, someone knocked very loudly on her apartment window, and the caller is unsure who it was, and is concerned that they may have been looking in window for some time; she was advised to close and lock all doors and windows, and to call immediately if this happens again; officers sent, checked the area, no one found.

3:17 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Greenfield Road where the caller says there is a 7-year-old out of control; he is a foster child and currently he is swinging at the mother, slamming doors, screaming and yelling, etc.; officer sent and advises that crisis services and state case workers are on the scene and they will be taking the child.

3:40 p.m. - Report from Bridge Street of a breaking and entering, into a vehicle several days ago, and the vehicle was unlocked at the time; several CDs are missing.

5:19 p.m. - Caller from Randall Road reports a bear in the area.

5:29 p.m. - Vandalism reported on Fourth Street where a male reports his Suburu Outback was recently vandalized where someone has keyed many marks into the paint.

5:43 p.m. - Caller from Turnpike Road near the cemetery reports a bear just came out of the cemetery down the street; officer checked the area, but unable to locate the bear.

Montague, July 3

10:49 a.m. - Caller reporting a possible water main break on J Street where the caller says water bubbling up and causing a significant run off.

Montague July 4

12:13 p.m. - Caller from Central Street reports a breaking and entering, into her apartment within the past hour; she says she woke up and saw someone she recognized running out of her apartment; officer investigating.

1:05 p.m. - Caller from Dell Street reports a loud explosion; officers found someone set off a firework, and left the area.

3:05 p.m. - Caller from Unity Street at Unity Park requests an officer for problem with teenagers bullying smaller kids on the equipment; the reporting person states parents have spoken to them, but they aren’t listening; officer sent and spoke to the reporting person and the youths involved; services rendered.

3:15 - Caller from Swamp Road reports a hanging wire across the road; he didn’t see it until it hit his windshield. Officer found the wire, and Montague Center Fire Department was summoned, and they cut the wire; Verizon will repair the line tomorrow.

5:06 p.m. - Officer on X Street arrested David M. Shea, 33, of X Street, Turners Falls, on a straight warrant.

8:10 p.m. - Vandalism reported at Cumberland Farms on Montague City Road, from where the caller states three teens threw beer all over her vehicle while she and her husband were walking at Cabot Station, the reporting person followed the three to Cumberland, and her husband is now confronting them; subjects and her husband are walking on the back street by Cumbies; officers found that one of the subjects was walking toward Food City; two subjects were spoken to at X Street, and then left in the care of the resident at X Street, and the third person was sent on his way.

9:08 p.m. - Caller from Avenue C and Crocker Avenue area requesting an officer for fireworks; she stated her small children are terrified; officer sent and advised the subjects of the complaint and they are all done now.

9:38 p.m. - Caller from Sunset Drive complaining of fireworks in the area behind her residence; officer sent and advised those responsible of the complaint, and they will stop.

9:43 p.m. - Caller from Hatchery Road reports a porcupine hanging around her barn, frightening her horses; she was given the number for the ACO and animal rescue in Wendell as well.

10:20 p.m. - Caller from area of Charron and High streets complaining of fireworks; officer sent and saw a person in area of Hillcrest Homes and Davis Street cleaning up the residue; they were advised and officers cleared.

Montague, July 5

5:36 a.m. - Shelburne Control requests Montague Police check the bike path bridge in Montague City for a male wearing a white cap; he was seen by railroad employees riding the top of a box car in the East Deerfield rail yard, and was last seen headed toward the bike path bridge; Montague officer copied the call and is headed that way; Shelburne Control now advises Deerfield Police are out with the male on that side of the bike path bridge; Montague officer can stand down.

Montague, July 17

12:40 p.m. - Domestic disturbance, on Fourth Street, where the dispute was between the reporting person and her boyfriend, who has been living there for a couple of months, but she is requesting his removal.

3:20 p.m. - Report of car versus a pole near Sirum Equipment on Federal Street, and the reporting person says the pole is down, with wires also down; unknown injuries on the operator, but it’s reported she is out of the vehicle; both occupants of the vehicle left with medical refusal; the car is being towed.

5:13 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports her boyfriend threatened her; she will come to the station to apply for a restraining order.

6:11 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports she left her home at about 9 a.m. and returned home to find someone had broken into the apartment, and items were strewn about, but unknown if items are missing; officer investigating, and found the door was damaged.

9:48 p.m. - Report of a fight at Cumberland Farms on Montague City Road, in the parking lot, involving an unknown number of people, and that a knife is involved; officers sent, but the reporting person then said the people left in two different vehicles headed for Greenfield, via Montague City Road; this information was given to both Greenfield and Shelburne Control to BOLO, and stop and identify; the victim ran into the store; an employee there will ask the manager if they can view the tapes for the parking lot tomorrow.

Montague, July 18

8:28 a.m. - Caller from the Farren Care Center on Montague City Road reports someone loosened the lug nuts on her tire overnight while her vehicle was parked at work.

2:20 p.m. - Dispatch received numerous 911 calls from area of the Shea Theater on Avenue A reporting smoke coming from the roof of the theater, but none of the callers reported seeing any flames; Turners Falls Fire Department, and officers, went to the scene, and DPW was advised; both units advised there was smoke seen, and one officer advises it smell like something electrical, and possibly coming from the air conditioner on the roof; fire official later said that was the source of the problem.

5:26 p.m. - Fire reported in a structure on Millers Falls Road where the caller initially reports a strange odor in the house and then noticed her ceiling fan has stopped working, and smoke is showing from the base of her chimney; Turners Falls Fire Department, en route and advises smoke showing from the attic area of the house; another engine and the ladder dispatched; fire officer declares a working fire at this time; at 5:56 the fire officer reports the fire appears to be knocked down; electrical inspector requested; fire captain requests Red Cross be notified with possibility of five people being displaced.

8:54 p.m. - Larceny on Federal Street where the caller says a female who was just at his home may have stolen some jewelry.

9:45 p.m. - Caller from Adams Street reports he believes someone in a passing vehicle threw some type of explosive out of the window, and it landed under his van, and detonated; no fire at this time; on arrival officer reported this is believed to have been a large firework, possibly an M80 type.

10:28 p.m. - Report of fireworks being shot off a porch over Second Street Baking Company on Fourth Street; officer sent and a verbal warning was given to the listed male for shooting off the fireworks.

10:44 p.m. - General disturbance on Park Street where the caller says her boyfriend is intoxicated and was attempting to start a fight with her son, and is now refusing to leave; officer sent and the people have been separated for the night. Peace was restored.

11:40 p.m. - Caller from Avenue A reports a possible fight out in front of her building; caller was unable to make out anything that was said, and was unable to see anyone involved; officer sent, and situation investigated.

Montague, Aug. 9

6:14 p.m. - Report of drug paraphernalia found by the river near the Cabot building on East Mineral Road in Millers Falls. Some wax baggies and a hypodermic needle. Officer destroyed items, requests it be logged that more paraphernalia was found in this area; advise future checks of area.

7 p.m. - Officer out with a suspicious vehicle behind some trees by the railroad tracks in Millers Falls. Empty. Owner alleges he parks his car elsewhere and leaves the keys in the ignition, so someone must have stolen it.

7:01 p.m. - Franklin Regional Transit Authority driver reporting a vehicle is following his bus. Second vehicle’s 4-year-old daughter was with him and had asked where the bus goes and he was showing her how it makes several stops. Operator was advised of the reason for the call and that following a bus is not a good idea.

9:50 p.m. - Fourth Street caller reports her boyfriend won’t leave and she wants him out. Male could be heard yelling in the background about telling the cops about all the stuff they stole from Walmart if they come. Caller stated she was going to try and work this out and will call back if we are needed. Officers advised, all quiet on arrival. Male has packed his things; female will give him a ride to Greenfield.

10:44 p.m. - Warrant arrest on Depot Street. Matthew A. Campagna, 26, of 15 Farren Ave. arrested on a default warrant.

Montague, Aug. 11

10:38 a.m. - Suspicious activity on the bike path from Deerfield where Deerfield Police had responded for a report of a young male on a red bike, smoking crack, and appeared dirty and “out of it;” cruisers checked that area and were unable to locate anyone fitting the description.

10:53 a.m. - Caller from area of Avenue A inquiring if anyone reported they fond a miniature Siamese cat; the reporting person said her cats followed her to Food City a couple of days ago, as they generally do, but when she came out, only one was there.

5:36 p.m. - Officer on Fourth Street attempting to locate a male wanted on a warrant; arrested was Robert D. Blake, 38, of Fourth Street,

Weather Underground • AP Turners Falls.

9:41 p.m. - Caller from H Street reports her neighbor is banging on her door, and is intoxicated, and she states he won’t leave; the male ran upstairs and does have a knife; officers sent, and the male was taken into custody and transported to Baystate Franklin Medical Center, under a Section 12, mental health protection process.

9:48 p.m. - Domestic disturbance on Chestnut Street where the reporting person says she was just assaulted by a male who then left on foot carrying a backpack, and is most likely headed to Greenfield; subject was located and will be summoned to court on assault and battery (domestic), assault and battery, and wanton destruction of property under $250.

Montague, Aug. 12

11:18 a.m. - Caller from Mayhew Steel Products on Industrial Boulevard has received three calls from a man threatening to tell people about a person working there; they are concerned this problem will escalate; officer investigating, and called the person who made the call to the business, and told him to cease.

11:20 a.m. - Caller from West Street requests an officer regarding her ex-husband forging her name on a registration for a camper; she states he has been doing this for years without her permission; she just found this out; officer spoke with her and she will be bringing in documentation.

3:10 p.m. - Assault reported at Food City where the caller says a person he has been having issues with threatened him earlier at Food City; he is now back at his residence. Officer will attempt to locate the other party; the issue was over the reporting person dating the other person’s ex.

3:41 p.m. - Officers at Powertown Apartments on Fourth Street to assist state with removal of a child from a residence there; officers cleared after Department of Children and Families had the child.

4:33 p.m. - Caller from L Street reports finding a needle in the grass near her residence; officer to retrieve it.

9:34 p.m. - Call from the Rist Insurance agency on Avenue A reporting several people, believed to be teens, who have been going up on the roof and smoking, and possibly drinking; they have been warned multiple times to stay off the roof; which is owned by the reporting person’s company; he advised them he was calling police, and several of them left, but it’s unknown if any are left; officer responded and reports access to the roof can be gained from the Fourth Street alley via the Montague Reporter office; people were gone on arrival of police.

9:44 p.m. - Caller from Powertown Apartments on Avenue A complaining that the listed person’s boyfriend was shining a flashlight toward the caller’s apartment; there were multiple similar complaints in recent days; officer checked the area, but no one in the area with a flashlight.

9:55 p.m. - Officer dispersed a small gathering that was making a disturbance in the alleyway off Third Street.

Montague, Aug. 13

2:02 a.m. - Caller on Third Street reports yelling and screaming between a male and female. Officers found it quiet on arrival, and one officer reported no foot traffic at all in the downtown.

11:23 a.m. - Disorderly conduct, reported at the Turners Falls High School on Turnpike Road where an officer is wanted for a parent who is acting disorderly, and is still inside the school, but her specific whereabouts in the building are unknown; no threats were made, but her speech was verbally aggressive; officers found no one, and no orders in effect trespassing the parent from the school.

Montague, Aug. 13

12:52 p.m. - Caller from Turners Falls High School reports four people, one on a dirt bike and three on fourwheelers, were just doing doughnuts in the practice field at the school, they left from the rear, along the power lines toward the fire department; there is damage to the field. Report taken, 3:32 p.m. - Caller from Randall Wood Drive reports there are people behind his fence and while it’s not his property, he is aware that they aren’t supposed to be there; didn’t see them, only heard them, and would like the area checked; officers responded but were unable to locate anyone.

8:29 p.m. - Report of restraining order violation near the Country Creemee on Millers Falls Road; when an officer checked the situation, he confirmed that it is a no-contact order, and one person was taken into custody; arrested was Theodore J. Burrell, 44, of Shelburne Road, Greenfield, charged with violation of the restraining order.

8:42 p.m. - Unwanted person reported at Jay K’s Liquors on Avenue A where the clerk advises a male is giving her a hard time, and won’t leave the store; both officers tied up on higher priority call; requested Gill Police be contacted; later when officer was available, he found the male was gone, and while they checked the side streets, he couldn’t be located.

8:42 p.m. - Domestic disturbance reported on Fourth Street where state police in Northampton reported a male and female arguing in the background, and a female saying the male wasn’t allowing her to leave, then the call was disconnected; state police made contact again and could hear the people arguing, but then it was disconnected again; officers from Gill were sent and found that the male will be leaving, and it was a verbal argument only.

Montague, Aug. 14

5:20 p.m. - Caller from X Street requests a restraining order, as he states his estranged wife, who resides in New York, has been contacting him, making threats to come here and take their child, that he has custody of, and also to bring people with her who will, “take care of,” the reporting person, who now states he is in fear of his child’s safety; he was given options and may go to court tomorrow for an order; he will call back if issues continue tonight.

6:40 p.m. - Caller says his wife was out walking on Park Street and in front of the address given, she noticed what she thinks is a rifle on the grass near the sidewalk, but no one is around; officer responded and located a gun, an older style BB gun that could be mistaken for a real rifle; it was returned to the father at that location, and he was advised this was not an appropriate place to leave this item.

Montague, Aug. 15

2:49 p.m. - Report of a male sitting in the middle of the roadway; officer sent and found the male has cuts, bruises and scrapes to various parts of his body; also he is intoxicated, but the person declines medical attention; he was taken to his home and left with his mother.

10:17 a.m. - Vandalism reported at Country Club apartments on Fairway Avenue, where the caller says there are tire marks extending through the length of the hill. Caller was advised to discuss this with the management first.

11:18 a.m. - Caller from Ristorante DiPaolo on Avenue A reports the larceny of two wall sconces with the approximate value of $400.

12:28 p.m. - Accident with personal injury on West Pond Road and Main Street, where a person has legs trapped in the guardrail; Montague Center Fire Department, BHA, and EMS requested by officer; also DPW en route; the subject was taken to Baystate Franklin Medical Center 12:43 p.m. - Anonymous caller reports a male attempting to sell Percocet to people downtown; officer sent, and advises no one in the area.

1:31 p.m. - Accident near the Wentworth Congregate Housing on J Street, minor damage, officer requested, and they exchanged paperwork. One vehicle was parked at the time.

8:14 p.m. - Report of a group of six or seven male teens, that she says have been gathering on the lawn of the Senior Center every night, and they fool around, wrestle, and are generally loud; she said some nights this goes on until 11 p.m., and it is bothering elderly tenants in that area; officer spoke to the involved people and they were advised of the complaint.

8:34 p.m. - Report from area of Fourth Street of a group of six or seven youths are in the alley destroying a shopping cart, and then headed up the alleyway toward Avenue A, but then turned back toward the Brick House; officer located several youths, two of whom live nearby, and were sent home; officer transporting two others to Park Street.

11:37 p.m. - Caller from Davis Street complaining of loud neighbors behind her house with the noise coming from Hillcrest Housing on Davis Street; they are setting up tents in the back yard and yelling loudly; two more callers reported the same problem,; officer advised all was quiet on arrival and they were setting up for a sleep-over; they assured the officer the noise was due only to the set up; officer talked with a responsible adult and she was advised of the complaint.

Montague, Aug. 16

12:33 a.m. - Loud noise disturbance reported on Central Street that the caller says is coming from the third floor where they seem to be banging or dropping something on the floor keeping the reporting person’s family from sleeping; officers knocked on the door, and then made his presence known, but got no answer, and all was quiet; the officer could hear a TV on in the apartment.

Montague, Aug. 18

1 p.m. - Caller from Greenfield requests officers keep lookout for four juveniles from the Star Program and all were entered as missing by Greenfield Police; later the Star Program called back to say one juvenile was located and advised the other three spent the night with him and may still be there in Montague; desk then got a call from a pedestrian on Avenue A who said he was flagged down by a youth asking him to call police to help him get back to Greenfield; and the youth said he was a runaway and needed to get back there; officer has the youth in custody and the Star Program will send someone to get him.

3:28 p.m. - Caller from Poplar Street reports he was bitten by a bat in his home today; he said he bent down to see what the object was on his floor, (the bat) and it bit him; the bat was still alive but appeared to be ill and wasn’t moving much while it was lying there; he put it into a box; he contacted his doctor but hasn’t yet gone to seek medical attention; messages sent to Board of Health, and then to a selectman, who will try to assist as the Board of Health person is on vacation; the man who was bitten was strongly encouraged to seek medical attention; the selectman had reached the vacationing person and then advised if an officer brings the bat and the victim’s information to him, he will ensure it is sent to the lab the first thing tomorrow morning, but confirmed the results likely would not come back within the 24 to 48 hours window the doctor’s office gave him for preventive measures, and again strongly suggested that the reporting person take the necessary precautions; officer retrieved the bat in the box and took it to the selectmen’s home. 4:54 p.m. - Officer came upon an accident on Avenue A at Third Street and advises one person was injured with a head laceration, but is conscious and alert; fluids are leaking from the car; a call came in from the Turners Falls Pizza House advising of the accident and one potentially injured person; BHA and Turners Falls Fire Department, advised; the person was taken to Baystate Franklin Medical Center, and officer followed; the operator is being summoned for several charges including operating under the influence of liquor.

5:11 p.m. - Person on TTY call from Powertown Apartments on Avenue A reports a man just threw a stone at her screen and is now behind a Fourth Street residence; she recognized him as the same man who threw a stone at her window on a recent occasion; officer spoke to a family gathering having dinner at a picnic table behind the Fourth Street residence, and they denied any involvement; officer didn’t see any damage to the reporting person’s window, and the reporting person acknowledged she didn’t hear or see anyone throw anything at her window.

6:20 p.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports her neighbor just came to her apartment and was banging on the windows and yelling profanity; the neighbor has since returned to her own apartment and says this happened a short time ago; officer spoke with the reporting person and then attempted to speak with the neighbor, but she didn’t come to the door.

Montague, Aug. 19

11:30 a.m. - Illegal dumping reported on the back dock of the Salvation Army Store on Avenue A, where they have repeated problems.

5:48 p.m. - Caller from Central Street reports she can hear her neighbors, male and female, fighting; investigation led to arrest of Alexander Rollins, 31, of Central Street, charged with assault and battery, (domestic).

6:37 p.m. - Breaking and entering reported on G Street, where money is missing, but no obvious signs of forced entry; while there, an officer took a report from the house next door that they were also broken into; all under investigation.

7:23 p.m. - While an officer was taking another report of breaking and entering, he was approached by a different reporting person who says his home was broken into, and a gold wedding band was taken.

7:45 p.m. - Vandalism reported at Powertown Apartments on Avenue A where the caller says a male just threw rocks against one of her windows; she doesn’t believe there was damage.

Montague, Aug. 21

7:24 a.m. - Caller from the Montague Garage on Station Street reports a vehicle at his garage was stolen overnight, a 99 Ford F350.

11:22 a.m. - Larceny reports on Millers Falls Road where the caller says four rings were stolen from her home.

Montague, Aug. 22

2:08 a.m. - Domestic disturbance on Bridge Street.

8:15 a.m. - Walk-in states he saw a tractor-trailer strike the Cheapside Bridge in Greenfield.

Montague, Aug. 23

5:14 p.m. - Second Street caller reports he returned home and it appears someone entered his room through a window and a video game system is missing. Unable to find viable prints. Report taken.

6:59 p.m. - Caller reports what he feels is an intoxicated operator leaving Jake’s Tavern on Avenue A. David W. Charbonneau, 58, of 60 Lockes Village Road, Wendell, arrested and charged with operating under the influence of liquor.

Montague, Aug. 24

12:09 a.m. - Noise complaint from East Chestnut Hill Road. Large party. Approximately 50 people, mixed ages. Party dispersed, drivers checked for sobriety before leaving. Black wallet found at scene, put in lost and found.

1:57 a.m. - 911 caller from Crescent Street advises six vehicles and approximately 12 people are at his house, many of them intoxicated, some trying to get in because they think there is a party there. While on phone all left. During stop of last vehicle from line on Millers Falls Road female party fled into the woods. Female in custody in area of Turners Falls Road. Cayla Sue Plasse, 21, of 10 Crescent St. arrested on a default warrant.

2:40 p.m. - Caller reports break-in at The Brick House Community Resource Center on Third Street. Caller advised construction is going on and entry was made by pushing through a temporary wall. Appears nothing is missing.

Montague, Aug. 25

1:11 a.m. - Caller reports three gunshots. Officer reports he can smell what he believes to be the remnants of fireworks.

1:44 a.m. - Caller reports cows in the road on Wendell Road; fence appears to be down. Contact made with owners who will be en route to check on livestock and restore fence.

8:03 a.m. - L Street caller reporting his truck and truck tool boxes were entered sometime last night, some tools stolen.

6:31 p.m. - Second Street caller reports tools missing from his back porch.

Montague, Aug. 25

12:16 p.m. - Vandalism reported on Montague Street, where the reporting person says his house and truck were egged.

6:31 p.m. - Larceny reported on Second Street where the caller says tools are missing from his back porch; he last saw them yesterday; officer to investigate.

6:49 p.m. - 911 abandoned call from Vladish Avenue; on call back, dispatch spoke with a male who stated his son is intoxicated, and they have both been physical with each other; EMS was offered, but declined, and the reporting person stated there were no weapons involved; officers spoke with both and the son will be leaving with a sober friend.

10:25 p.m. - Caller from Federal Street in Montague Center requests an officer to assist with getting a bat out of her spare room; officer responded.

Montague, Aug. 26

12:47 a.m. - Safety hazard reported on G Street where the officer was flagged down, and advised of items from what appears to be a building on G Street, in the sidewalk; message was left for the building inspector.

6:28 a.m. - Caller from Third Street says her vehicle was taken without her permission, and is revoked, for inspection.

Montague, Aug. 26

12:07 p.m. - Received simultaneous 911 calls from both participants of a dispute on Fourth Street; there were conflicting accounts of what transpired prior to officer’s arrival; summons served in hand to the female.

12:45 p.m. - Arrest of Logan Ty Remick, 30, of Turners Falls Road, Turners Falls, on three warrants.

2:07 p.m. - Caller from L Street reports she may be involved in an online scam; she hasn’t yet cashed any checks, but believes the other party (located in Paris) will be sending her a check, and will ask her to cash it, and keep a portion for herself, and mail the rest back; she was advised to come to the station with the documents she does have, and speak with an officer, but not to cash any checks she may receive, and not to participate any further in this matter before speaking with the officer.

2:19 p.m. - Caller from Winthrop Street reports her daughter, who only has a learner’s permit, took her vehicle without her permission; investigation led to arrest of Amanda Billiel, 18, of Winthrop Street, Millers Falls, charged with assault and battery, possession of Class C drug, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, assault (domestic), and intimidating a witness.

Montague, Aug. 27

12:23 a.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports a large fight in progress and can hear a female screaming for help, and glass breaking, coming from a few houses down the street toward Avenue A; officer advises it was a verbal dispute over a cell phone between a mother and a daughter; issue was discussed and calm returned.

7:54 p.m. - Breaking and entering reported on Avenue A from Ideal Home Improvements, where the caller says three of the company vehicles were entered overnight; vehicles were unlocked; two are no longer on site, but one remains; the incident was caught on camera; officer investigating.

Montague, Aug. 28

2:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. - Illegal dumping reported on South Street by a person who came into the station with trash thrown out of the window by a resident; he says he didn’t observe it get thrown out this time, but has in the past. Officer to follow up.

12:50 p.m. - Safety hazard on Fairway Avenue where the reporting person says that a youth, about 10 years old, is driving a dirt bike around the country club area.

4:01 p.m. - Caller from G Street reports one of the agency vans was entered overnight and the upholstery was marked up with a marker, with explicative language; also a wine bottle was left behind; officer to investigate.

8:25 p.m. - Fraud reported by caller from Morris Avenue who says he got a text from someone claiming to be a coach at Fitchburg State University and requesting credit card information for “travel expenses.”

9:55 p.m. - Domestic disturbance on Montague Street, where the caller reports his girlfriend is at his house, and she is intoxicated, has just kicked in his door, and is ripping the molding off the walls; the female was initially taken into protective custody, but was later released to her mother.

Montague, Aug. 29

5:51 p.m. - Caller from Industrial Boulevard reports there is sewage backing up into the bathroom of his business at Field Services; DPW contacted.

6:54 p.m. - Caller from the Franklin Emergency Shelter on Farren Avenue reports a disturbance in progress involving eight or more people in the rear of the building; and the caller says two people were the aggressors, a female who reportedly threw a plate, and a black male; caller says there are no weapons involved; officer took one person in protective custody.

8:26 p.m. - Motor vehicle violation stop on Millers Falls Road by Carlisle Avenue led to arrest of Dalton John Stevens, 22, of Main Road, Gill, charged with unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, and motor vehicle lights violation.

Montague, Aug. 30

1:49 a.m. - Motor vehicle violation stop on Millers Falls Road where a written warning was issued for marked lanes violation, no registration in possession, and texting while driving.

5:25 a.m. - Caller from Dunton Street reports he and his girlfriend saw a male lurking around the property where they are staying.

9:18 a.m. - Officer wanted at the Second Pentecostal Church on 11th Street for reports woman causing a disturbance near the intersection of Avenue A and Eleventh Street; officers discussed the situation with those involved, and the person has moved along.

7:02 p.m. - Sink hole reported by Simon’s Stamps, 320 Avenue A.

8:16 p.m. - Jana C. Rivera, 36, of 25 Fourth St. arrested on three default warrants, bailed.

10:27 p.m. - Traffic stop by Highland School Apartments, Millers Falls Road. Verbal warning for speed.

10:41 p.m. - Traffic stop by Highland School Apartments, Millers Falls Road. Verbal warning for speed.

11:35 p.m. - Traffic stop by Highland School Apartments, Millers Falls Road. Arrested Mark A. Spivey, 24, of 619 Millers Falls Road, Northfield. Charged with operating under the influence of liquor, operating to endanger and no inspection sticker.

Montague, Aug. 31

4:32 p.m. - Kevin W. Deyo, 58, of 44 Turnpike Road, arrested on a default warrant.

6:26 p.m. - Two-vehicle accident with property damage on Third Street. Citation issued to Dodge operator for failure to use care.

7:12 p.m. - Report of a traffic hazard on Turners Falls Road, where caller says she has been following a Toyota Avalon for some time; it has been operating in the opposite lane of traffic. Officer spoke with the 97-year-old driver who will be going up the street and parking for the night.

9:04 p.m. - Caller reports hearing a loud crash outside his home on First Street, saw a car headed up the hill with damage. Officer located a bumper left behind with license plate and other debris, appeared that the vehicle struck and took out 50 to 60 feet of wooden guardrail. Located vehicle in parking lot of Eagle Automotive, no one around. Located party, blew below the legal limit in alcohol breath test. Summons issued for marked lanes violation, operating to endanger, leaving the scene of property damage and speeding.

Montague, Sept. 2

12:59 a.m. - Caller from Fourth Street reports a possible narcotics deal behind the building there, and says she observed someone giving what she believes to be drugs to a male, in a “fancy” black vehicle, which was last seen headed onto J Street; officer to investigate.

12:50 p.m. - General disturbance reported on Ferry Road where the reporting person requests it be on record that an odor of diesel was coming from an idle train that has been near her residence since 5 a.m., and she believes the train belongs to Pan Am Railroad. It was noted.

2:16 a.m. - Caller from Eighth Avenue reports she hit her mother, and says that she did this because she was upset that her mother wants to rent an apartment for her so she can live on her own; the reporting person alluded to having hit her mother before, and she was told an officer would follow up with her; the caller says her mother didn’t want her to call and that she isn’t injured. Officer speaking with both people and the mother says she doesn’t need an officer and doesn’t want to pursue the matter.

2:45 p.m. - Caller from James Avenue regarding obtaining a restraining order against his female roommate who has been slandering him and threatening him; he knows the roommate’s first name, but not her last name; officer advised him of options.

11:45 p.m. - Caller from Eleventh Street reports she is being harassed online by someone who is posting threatening messages on her YouTube account; caller is unsure who the female is and had deleted most of the postings; she has kept one of them since she was advised by a friend to keep a log and contact police; she was advised of her options.

Montague, Sept. 3

9:45 a.m. - Reporting person requests an officer to respond to the residence to intervene in an argument with her mother before she gets too angry; officer found it quiet on arrival, and advised her to go for a walk if things escalate again; mom was advised to call us if needed.

10:17 a.m. - Larceny reported on Third Street where the caller says her jewelry was stolen from where it was hidden in a drawer in her dresser, inside velvet bags, and that are now empty; she stated she allowed a friend to stay with her for the last two weeks, and besides herself, she is the only other person who has access to the apartment; she confronted the person this morning, but she denied taking anything; officer will investigate.

11:48 a.m. - Caller from G Street reports her neighbors threatened yesterday to slash her tires, and are now in her yard yelling “mean things,” about her; officer attempting to reach the people involved, but the street was quiet on arrival, officer spoke to the son of the person involved and advised him to let his father know about the complaint.

12:40 p.m. - Caller, who is out of town, says her roommate is threatening to throw all her things into the dumpster, and since she is in Connecticut she can’t do anything to stop it; she has several texts saved on her phone; she will be sending her cousin to the apartment to retrieve the Comcast equipment, and a few other personal items; she was advised to have the cousin call the department if she has any problems.

3:47 p.m. - Caller from area of Greenfield and Randall Roads reports he saw two bicyclists headed toward Montague City Road and were both in the lane of traffic, all over the road, and the caller felt they were obstructing traffic; officer advised that bicyclists are allowed to ride in pairs.

4:47 p.m. - Neighborhood disturbance reported on Fourth Street where the caller says she can hear loud voices and stomping coming from the upstairs apartment, but unknown if this is people fighting or domestic related; officers found no noise on arrival; the two people involved were advised.

5:51 p.m. - Walk-in female reports her ex-girlfriend vandalized her vehicle and has stolen her cell phone, she expressed concern that she wouldn’t be able to have the service to the phone shut off, as she now has no phone; officer contacted Radio Shack where the phone was purchased, and was advised that this was a pre-paid phone and couldn’t be shut off, and would just have to let the minutes run out. Officer recorded the damage to the vehicle, and the reporting person was given options.

Montague, Sept. 4

12:22 a.m. - Caller from Coolidge Avenue reports her boyfriend is at her house and causing a disturbance and frightening her son; officer went to the house and investigated, and reports it seems to be a misunderstanding; she was advised to call back if police are needed.

1:20 a.m. - Neighborhood disturbance on L Street where the caller says her neighbor in the next apartment has been out on his back porch until 1:15 a.m. playing his guitar, and says this happens almost every night, and it keeps her from being able to sleep; she didn’t want police to respond tonight, and simply wanted it on record; she was advised to log this happening and to discuss it with her landlord if she didn’t want police involved.

10:35 a.m. - Walk-in reports possible copper wire theft at Judd Wire Co. on Turnpike Road; officer to investigate

Montague, Sept. 5

1:14 p.m. - Caller from Montague Mini-Mart says that a customer wrote him two bad checks, totalling $31.62; officer left a message for the female who wrote the check; the female called back and left a message advising she would return to the store and pay the amount owed; officer returned the call and left a message advising the store owner may have incurred fees from the returned checks, and to inquire with the owner when she settles up with him.

9:02 p.m. - A 911 call came in on the TTY machine and the reporting person indicates that between the hours of 11 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. someone in the building is involved in drug activity; information forwarded to a detective, but officer also checked the area and nothing was found.

Montague, Sept. 6

12:22 a.m. - Female caller from Third Street complains about noise and states that the third floor tenants are making noise that she describes as something rolling on the floor, people walking in the apartment, and going up and down the stairs; officer advises all quiet on arrival, but spoke with the complainant and advised her of options, that included speaking with the landlord.

12:50 p.m. - Report of a sewage backup into a house on Marshall Street.

Montague, Sept. 7

7:20 p.m. - Caller reporting a female in F.L. Roberts gas station on Third Street asking people if they wanted a kitten, female allegedly stated if she didn’t find homes for the litter she was going to throw them in the river. Unable to locate.

Montague, Sept. 8

5:08 p.m. - Report of an environmental incident by the Bridge of Names, Denton Street. Caller states she can see water bubbling from a pipe near the generator and the bridge. Department of Public Works and treatment plant contacted.

Montague, Sept. 10

10:50 a.m. - Burglar alarm on Montague City Road, showing master bedroom area of motion alarm; officer found an open window and is there with a key holder, and they will check the interior; window secured, key holder believes the storm may have set off the alarm, no apparent entry.

1:22 p.m. - Reporting person came into the station regarding her ex-, against whom she has a 209A, and who she says is stalking her via messages to others on Facebook; officer discussing options with her.

5:30 p.m. - Caller from Montague City Road reports damage to a wooden guardrail by the car wash - it appears a vehicle struck or rolled into the guardrail; officer found damage was under $1,000.

7:14 p.m. - Walk-in reports a larceny of medication, and suspects that someone she knows is responsible, she noticed it was missing this morning, but could have been taken some time over the past couple of days; officer was advised.

10:13 p.m. - Caller from Lake Pleasant Road reports there is a train passing through the area and the railroad arm and lights for the crossing didn’t activate; officer sent to the scene, and Pan Am Railroad was contacted and they said they are aware of the problem and are working to rectify it.

Montague, Sept. 11

4:58 a.m. - Domestic disturbance call from Coolidge Avenue, the second of two 911 hang-ups with voice saying something about restraining orders; gave a man’s name before the line was disconnected; on the second call a female’s scream was heard in the background; officers responded, and callback was attempted while they were en route, but no answer; officer on scene was told by the female that the male want out the window just prior to police arrival, but he was quickly located and taken into custody; arrested Walter H. Perry, 35, of Coolidge Avenue, Turners Falls, charged with violation of an abuse prevention order.

10:23 a.m. - Caller from Unity Street reports his wife and their dog were just attacked by another dog while walking in the neighborhood; his wife has a few scratches and their dog has a few puncture wounds; the dog lives on Maple Street, and there is reportedly a witness. Officer responded to find the reporting person’s small dog has lacerations to its neck ... the owners have to bring it to the vet’s office; officer following up with the owner of the attacking dog and found the dog is up to date on all vaccinations; board of health person also notified.

11:03 a.m. - Caller from Randall Road reports he is maintaining his mother’s house and there has been a bear living in the barn out back; the bear isn’t there now, but the reporting person is looking for ways to move it along; the caller was given the number for the Environmental Police.

12:52 p.m. - Accident on West Chestnut Hill involved two DPW vehicles, no injuries reported, officer found that a loader backed into the second vehicle, a pick up truck; the DPW will be following Mass DOT protocol; the pickup truck was parked at the time.

2:57 p.m. - Caller from Avenue A, and Eleventh Street reports there is a large snapping turtle in the parking lot of Simon’s Stamps, and the caller is concerned that it may wander into the road and be struck by a vehicle; officer at the scene and advises a concerned citizen helped the turtle get back to the canal.

4:13 p.m. - A caller from Alice Street requests an officer as he thinks someone is growing marijuana plants in his backyard; several marijuana plants were seized by the responding officer; a call came in from the tenant; officer will call her back.

6:47 p.m. - Caller from Rod Shop Road regarding a business that he feels has a lot of debris outside and near the road way, pallets included, among other items; he said he attempted to speak to the owner and the owner stated that he has no intention of moving any of the items unless forced to do so; the caller is concerned as he is attempting to sell his home and feels the business causes a blight on in the area. Officer advised the caller to contact the board of health.

Montague, Sept. 12

6:41 a.m. - Caller from Seventh Street reports it appears that a vehicle has driven up over the lawn and knocked over a traffic sign; officer advises the sign is damaged and lying on the ground; DPW to be notified.

11:06 a.m. - Caller requesting an officer to speak with regarding his sister being stalked by a former neighbor at her home and place of employment; she’s not ready to report it yet, but he is concerned for her safety; she has told the man who is stalking her to leave her alone, but he continues to show up at her home; officer to follow up.

11:10 a.m. - Walk-in from Bridge Street reports her credit card being used without her permission, and strongly suspects her 25-year-old son took the card out of her purse and has been using it; card withdrawals amount to over $250; she will return with more information and paperwork.

11:10 a.m. - Vandalism reported in the parking lot behind Shady Glen where the caller says he has two trailers in the lot and overnight they were both vandalized; tail lights were smashed; officer to investigate 1:11 p.m. - Larceny reported by the reporting person who says that her laundry was stolen from the laundromat on Third Street, but she was waiting for a copy of the surveillance footage; she now has it; officer will follow up.

2:37 p.m. - Safety hazard at Millers Falls Road and Lake Pleasant road where a caller says there is a tree on the wires, and there are wires hanging five feet or less over the roadway; Verizon and DPW notified.

7:02 p.m. - Complaint in area of Grove Stret and Goddard Avenue; street is flooding due to drains overflowing; officer checked and reported road is passable.

7:14 p.m. - Report of flooding at Montague City and Turnpike roads; officer checking it, and water has gone down.

8:09 p.m. - Caller from Montague Street reports that he just saw a white Volkswagen Passat drive into his driveway and a male, whom he didn’t recognize, got out and approached his dad’s truck, and try the doors; the caller then heard him say, “damn, it’s locked,” and then got back into the white vehicle and left, going into a neighbor’s driveway; officer investigating.

Montague, Sept. 13

9:56 a.m. - Caller from Second Street reports there is a lot of trash, like old refrigerators, etc., in the backyard of her house, and it is attracting rats to the property; she was given the number of the board of health that will be open again on Monday.

Montague, Sept. 16

1:41 a.m. - Arrested Ismael Perez, 19, of L Street, Turners Falls, charged with being a minor transporting or carrying alcoholic beverage, consuming alcohol on a public way, and resisting arrest.

Montague, Sept. 17

4:20 p.m. - Complaint from the area of the basketball court on Unity Street with loud music coming from vehicles there; officer spoke with the people there and the music has been turned down.

Montague, Sept. 18

8:36 a.m. - Report from F.L. Roberts gas station of shoplifting. Under investigation.

2:43 p.m. - Report of a fight at Avenue A and Eleventh Street with a bus driver reporting three students that just got off the bus are involved, two males and one female.

3:25 p.m. - Fire and smoke investigation for the Turners Falls Fire Department near the old Railroad Salvage on Power Street; possibly a camp fire there.

525 p.m. - Domestic disturbance reported on Davis Street; arrested was Isaias Lozada, 32, of Davis Street, Turners Falls, charged with assault and battery, (domestic) and threatening to commit a crime, to wit, murder.

6:10 p.m. - Larceny reported at the emergency shelter on Farren Avenue where the caller says his work clothing were taken by another male at the shelter, as well as the male went through the rest of his belonging; he is requesting something in writing for his employer; officer spoke with him and gave him a copy of the call for his employer.

Montague, Sept. 19

1:44 a.m. - Report of accident on Greenfield Road by Sherman drive, with a pole down across the roadway with wires across a vehicle; investigation leads to arrest of Dwight Francis Hoffman, 49, of Federal Street, Montague Center, charged with operating under the influence of liquor, third offense, speeding, marked lane violation, and operating to endanger.

10:55 a.m. - Accident reported on Oakman Street where the caller says his vehicle was backed into by one of his neighbors.

7:30 p.m. - Caller from Avenue A reports a teenaged boy threatened to fight her; officer checking.

10:20 p.m. - Caller from G Street would like to speak with an officer about Facebook postings regarding her daughter; the caller states her daughter has been charged with harassment, and advised not to post on Facebook, but she is being antagonized by these people and their postings against her; officer advised both parties of their options and to discontinue those actions.

Montague, Sept. 23

2:23 p.m. - Officer at Gary’s Coins on Avenue A to arrest Nathan Franklin, 21, of High Street, Greenfield, arrested on four default warrants, and one charge of illegal possession of a class E drug substance.

4:20 p.m. - Accident with property damage by the Red Fire Farm on Meadow Road; car versus a tractor, no injuries reported.

Montague, Sept. 24

3 a.m. - Officer in area of construction on Industrial Boulevard where he is with Baltazar’s Construction equipment, and one of the loaders has tail lights on now, and possibly a tire slashed; another officer assisting and they report that someone definitely attempted to operate the loader, but it is now secure; under investigation.

7:53 a.m. - Walk-in was found to have warrant on him; arrested was Dakarai Charles Crapps of Avenue A, Turners Falls, on the straight warrant.

10:03 a.m. - Officer advises he was stopped by a resident on Fosters Road who said there is illegal dumping going on at the small roadway that cuts off of Foster’s Road; DPW was notified.

Montague, Sept. 25

1:17 a.m. - Suspicious activity reported at the railroad crossing on Lake Pleasant Road for a person with a flashlight on the tracks there; officer found the person was looking for their cat.

7:33 a.m. - Report of a significant oil spill in the roadway near Southworth Paper Mill and Canal Road.

2:08 p.m. - A 911 abandoned call came from the Turners Falls High School, on Turnpike Road; on callback the line was busy; officers learned on arrival that it was a problem with a middle school child, but it had been resolved prior to his arrival.

7:09 p.m. - Caller from West Street requests removal of a female who is reportedly under the influence and has threatened to kill his girlfriend, but no known weapons; officer located the female and she was placed in protective custody.

7:40 p.m. - Shoplifting reported at the Family Dollar Store on Avenue A.

11:56 p.m. - The reporting person heard a crash from the first floor and believes someone may have kicked in a door; under investigation.

Montague, Sept. 26

4:12 a.m. - Vandalism reported on Central Street where the caller says someone cut the lug nuts on one of her wheels; officer investigating.

10:25 a.m. - Illegal dumping reported in the Plains on Old Northfield Road; suspect said a friend was supposed to take the items to Colrain and burn them; suspect was given until Sunday to come with the other person involved, and rectify the situation, or she will be charged.

2:48 p.m. - Caller says she left her purse unattended in the lobby on Avenue A, and when she returned, it was gone; officer to investigate.

10:11 p.m. - Motor vehicle violation in the parking lot at Fourth Street; three under arrest: Durly Bartolon, 26, of Elm Street, South Deerfield, charged with unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, and operating under the influence of liquor; Ismael Perez, 19, of L Street, Turners Falls, being a person under 21 in possession of alcoholic beverage; and Ismael Ovalle-Perez, 19, of Avenue A, Turners Falls, also being a person under 21 in possession of alcoholic beverage.

Observed in, "The Recorder" Tuesday October 1, 2013 Greenfield,MA

Last Updated 10/1/2013

Attached Files:

Posted: to Police Department on Tue, Oct 1, 2013
Updated: Thu, Nov 2, 2017