Comprehensive Plan- Community Workshop Invitation

Please consider attending upcoming comprehensive plan workshops.

You are invited! The Town of Montague wants to know what you think its priorities should be for the next 15 years! The Town is creating a comprehensive plan, called Five Villages: One Future, which will guide future planning efforts. For this, the Town wants to hear from its residents, workers, and visitors. Attend an interactive workshop and tell us what your vision is for Montague! This information will guide future physical, land use, and economic development in Montague as it faces a changing climate.

Workshop 1: Saturday, February 4 from 10:00am-2:00pm at the Turners Falls High School cafeteria (222 Turnpike Road)

Food, childcare, and transportation is provided!

Workshop 2: Thursday, March 9 from 6:00 – 7:30pm via Zoom

For more information on ways to be involved, visit

Questions can be directed to Montague's new Town Planner, Maureen Pollock, at (413) 863-3200 ext. 112/

Posted: to Planning Board on Thu, Jan 19, 2023
Updated: Mon, Jan 30, 2023