The Town of Montague has been awarded a $499,682 MassDOT FY25 Complete Streets Tier 3 construction grant (round 2) for traffic calming measures and bicycle & pedestrian improvements in the Montague Center village center. The project was identified in the Town’s 2018 Complete Streets Prioritization Plan, and echoed by residents and other stakeholders during community engagement efforts provided by the Town in the summer/fall of 2024.
“The primary goal of this project is to lower traffic speeds through the village of Montague Center and to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety.” Planning Director Maureen Pollock stated. “The inter-department collaboration between the Town’s Planning Department, DPW, and the Selectboard’s Office, and, robust community engagement, really made this project application shine and helped us get this grant."
Town Administrator Walter Ramsey stated, “Montague has been committed to MassDOT's Complete Streets program since 2017 to make Town roads safer for people of all ages and abilities and all modes of travel. This program is a key funding source that allows Montague to provide these improvements."
DPW Superintendent Samuel Urkiel stated, “the Town looks forward to providing safety improvements to Montague Center, which will result in much better conditions for all users - driving, on foot, or pedaling.”
In 2017, the Town adopted a Complete Street Policy. With the assistance of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, the Town prepared its Complete Streets Prioritization Plan in 2018, identifying 41 priority projects across town.
"Since its adoption, the Town has received $710,000 in Tier 3 construction funding and has completed projects such as sidewalk and crosswalk improvements, installation of rapid flashing beacons at crosswalks, and dedicated bike lanes. This latest award will bring investment in infrastructure improvements to over $1.2M," Ramsey stated.
The FY25 award will provide construction funds for the following improvements:
Pedestrian crossing improvements:
ADA accessibility improvements at FRTA Bus Stops:
Bicycle accommodations:
In the winter/spring of 2025, the Town will prepare final designs and bid ready documents for Selectboard review/approval before soliciting contractors to perform the work. As part of this process, the Town will continue its community engagement and public outreach efforts. More info to come!
For more info about the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program, click HERE
For more info about Montague’s Complete Streets Program, click HERE.
For more info about the Montague Center Complete Streets Project, click HERE.
For questions/comments, please contact the Montague Planning Department at or (413) 863-3200 x112.
Posted: to General Montague News on Tue, Jan 28, 2025
Updated: Wed, Jan 29, 2025