Avenue A Streetscape Improvement Project - FY23 CDS Earmark Request

Image of Completed Portion of Avenue A Streetscape

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development

Economic Development Initiative Project Request

Primary Point of Contact:
Steven Ellis StevenE@montague-ma.gov, 413-863-3200 ext. 110
Montague Town Hall, 1 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA 01376

Project Priority: 1

The Avenue A Streetscape Improvement Project will restore an ADA compliant, pedestrian-oriented streetscape in the Turners Falls village center. Located within an Environmental Justice Area, Avenue A is Montague’s retail, dining, and entertainment center, and a state-designated Cultural District. This bid ready project completes the north end of the Avenue A Streetscape, replacing aged and heaving brick sidewalks with a new brick and cement concourse designed to enhance longevity and accessibility. Replacing aged traffic signals and the addition of pedestrian-scale lighting will enhance the safety, accessibility, visual appeal and walkability of the village center, consistent with the Town’s Livability, COVID “Rapid Recovery” and ADA Transition plans.

Avenue A Streetscape FY23 CDS Files