2024-05-04 Annual Town Meeting

Annual Town Meeting is scheduled in accordance with Town Bylaw for the first Saturday in May, each year. In 2024, it will be held on May 4th. Annual Town Meeting will begin at 9am this year and be held in-person at Turners Falls Highschool. Lunch will be provided for this meeting, which typically runs into the early afternoon.

Annual Town Meeting will be pre-ceeded by a social and informational event from 8 - 8:45 in the school cafeteria, at which we will be joined by Representative Natalie Blais and Senator Jo Comerford. Light refreshments will be served.

Notification of 2024-05-04 Warrant Article Deadline

2024-05-04 Final ATM Warrant

2024-05-04 ATM Votes (Information will be entered after Town Meeting)

2024-05-04 Finance Committtee Report to Town Meeting (Motions Within)

2024-05-04 Glossary of Finance/Budget Terms

2024-05-04 Appropriations from Free Cash and Reserves

2024-05-04 Gill Montague Regional School District FY24 Budget Proposal

2024-05-04 FY25 Capital Project Recommendations

2024-05-04 Clean Water Facility Enterprise Fund Summary

2024-05-04 DPW Discretionary Expense Detail

2024-05-04 FY25 - FY30 Capital Improvement Plan

2024-05-04 Rationale for Borrowing for Capital Articles

2024-05-04 FY25 Finance Committee Review of Stipends and Recommendations

Links to all FY25 Budget Documents