Municipal Preparedness Vulnerability (MVP) 2.0 Core Team

Image Caption: Montague MVP 2.0 Core Team members (not all members are pictured)


The MVP 2.0 program is a grant program run by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. It funds communities throughout Massachusetts to identify climate vulnerabilities and invest in resilience. The MVP 2.0 program expands on the work communities have done to date and supports communities with new methods, tools, and resources for building climate resilience. In particular, MVP 2.0 is a way for the community to revisit resilience priorities with a focus on equity and translate those priorities into action through project development and implementation.


The MVP 2.0 project team (MVP 2.0 Core Team) includes residents, liaisons from community organizations such as the Brick House and Montague Catholic Social Ministries, Town of Montague Staff, and Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) staff.

Municipal Members

Community Liason Members

Project Staff

Maureen Pollock, Montague Town Planner

Dennis Gemme

Maureen Pollock, Montague Town Planner

Roberta Potter, Gill-Montague Council on Aging Director

Jayden Hosmer

Tamsin Flanders, FRCOG Senior Land Use and Natural Resources Planner

Ryan Paxton, Montague Public Health Director

Jenna Weld

Rachel Stoler, FRCOG Community Health Program Manager/ Partnership for Youth & Communities That Care

Chris Nolan, Montague Assistant Town Administrator

Jimena De Pareja

Jose Olvera-Aguilera

Tom Taaffe, Executive Director, Brick House Community Resource Center

Amanda Marek


Over the summer, the MVP 2.0 Core Team reached out to residents through surveys, interviews, and focus groups to continue to better understand the experiences of social vulnerability and resilience in Montague. More specifically, residents with life circumstances that may increase overall vulnerability, such as older residents and youth, renters, unhoused residents, low-income residents, households that speak a language other than English at home, residents of color, residents with experience of substance abuse issues, LGBTQ+ residents, residents with a disability, caretakers, and neurodivergent residents were encouraged to participant.

Survey (now closed):

A survey was offered in English and Spanish, and was provided online and in print. Printed surveys were available for pick-up/drop-off at the following locations:

  • Montague Town Hall located at 1 Avenue A, Turners Falls
  • Carnegie Public Library, 201 Avenue A, Turners Falls
  • Millers Falls Library, 23 Bridge Street, Millers Falls
  • Montague Center Library, 17 Center Street, Montague Center
  • Montague Senior Center, 62 Fifth Street, Turners Falls

Click here to review the survey responses!

Focus Groups:

The MVP 2.0 Core Team held two focus groups, including:

  • June 26, 2024 Focus Group with Spanish-speaking residents.
  • July, 18, 2024 Focus group with youth.

Through MVP grant funding, each focus group participant was provided food and a $25 gift card as an appreciation for their time.


MVP 2.0 Core Team members held one-on-one interviews with residents who identify with life circumstances that may increase overall vulnerability. Through MVP grant funding, each interviewee was provided a $25 gift card as an appreciation for their time.

MVP 2.0 Core Team explore public transit options!

After discussing various FRTA public transit options offered, and hearing residents’ lived experiences taking public transit via MVP 2.0 surveys, focus groups, and interviews, the core team decided that they wanted to take public transit as a group and to reflect on their experience. On August 28, Core Team members took public transit from Montague to/from the John W. Olver Transit Center located in Greenfield for a Core Team meeting and for a tour of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) office. Click here to read Core Team reflections.

(Upcoming!) Community Meetings:

The MVP 2.0 Core Team is hosting two upcoming community events to hear from residents about their highest priorities for them in getting support from the Town of Montague for preparing for/adapting to the long term stressors of climate change, including how to build social resilience. We will providing food, childcare services, raffle prizes, and the event will be offered in English and Spanish!

  • October 8, 2024 Community event (in Engllish) at the Shea Theater Arts Center, 71 Avenue A, Turners Falls from 5:30-7:30pm. Click here for event flyer.
  • October 24, 2024 Community event (En español) at the Montague Catholic Social Ministries (MCSM), 41 3rd St, Turners Falls from 6:30-8:15pm. Click here for event flyer.



For questions/comments, please contact Montague Town Planner Maureen Pollock at or (413) 863-3200 x 112