Clean Energy
The Town of Montague CWF currently has three multi-stage centrifugal blowers used to supply air to the two aeration tanks: two rated at 2,000 scfm with 100 HP motors and one rated at 1,000 scfm with a 50 HP motor. The existing centrifugal aeration blowers have reached their end of life and require replacement. The replacement aeration blowers to be installed at the CWF are expected to be more energy efficient than the current aeration blowers and will be sized to operate with the existing coarse bubble air diffusers as well the future fine bubble air diffusers to be installed in the future. The use of positive tri-lobe blowers or hybrid screw compressor blowers should provide increased energy efficiency, saving approximately150,000 kWh and $18,000 annually, and a larger operating range with greater turndown capabilities compared with the existing centrifugal blowers.
The revised project will replace the existing blower control system with a new Master Control Panel and will replace two of the three (2, 100 horsepower & 1, 50 HP) existing Torin Centrifugal blowers to maintain a specific Dissolved Oxygen level in the two Aeration Tanks.
The Town of Montague will be procuring and installing the equipment without using a General Contractor to conduct the replacement project. (Note: Cost estimates for staff labor and time are not billed at prevailing wage.)
The Town of Montague CWF plans to upgrade the existing coarse bubble diffused aeration system to a fine bubble diffused aeration system. The Montague CWF has two existing aeration tanks equipped with coarse-bubble diffusers and a single dissolved oxygen (DO) probe in each tank. Both aeration tanks are 22-feet wide by 100-feet long by 13.5-feet deep. The coarse bubble aeration system will be replaced with a fine bubble diffuser aeration system. New diffusers and drop legs with manual isolation valves will be installed.
A total air volume reduction of approximately 50% is expected through the inclusion of fine bubble diffusers. This reduction will reduce the size (and cost) of new aeration blowers that the CWF will be procuring and installing at the same time as the fine bubble diffusers installation. The aeration blowers with associated master control panel procurement and installation will be funded under the Gap II Grant that was previously awarded to the Town Montague CWF.
The Town of Montague will be procuring and installing the equipment without using a General Contractor to conduct the air bubble diffuser upgrade / replacement project. (Note: Cost estimates for staff labor and time are not billed at prevailing wage.)