Registering to Vote
To be eligible to register to vote you must:
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Be a Massachusetts Resident
- Be 18 years of age or older on or before Election Day
How can I register to vote?
- In person: Go to the Town Clerk’s office and complete an affidavit of registration which must be answered truthfully under the penalty of perjury.
- At the Registry of Motor Vehicles: You can register when you renew your license and registration. Keep your voter receipt until you receive confirmation from the Town Clerk’s Office. If you do not receive any confirmation please contact the Town Clerk to verify your voter status.
- Down Load a Massachusetts Official Mail-In Voter Registration Form:
Deadline for Voter Registration:
The deadline for registering to vote is always 10 days prior to any election.
What must I do if I’ve changed my address since I registered?
- If you have moved out of town, you must register again in your new location.
- Your voter registration does not follow you – you must keep your local Town or City Clerk informed of your new information.
Where do I vote and what is my precinct?
Am I Registered to Vote?
Keep your voter status active by answering your Annual Street Listing.