Town of Montague
Montague Clean Water Facility (413) 773-8865
The following rates are for Fiscal Year 2025:
Residential & Industrial Customers:
Metered Montague Customers (all villages):
Rate: $18.00/1,000 gallons
Unmetered Montague Customers (12-Month Flat Rate):
Rate: $930.00 per fiscal year
Town of Gill:
Rate: $18.00/1,000 gallons
Industrial Customers:
Rate: $18.39/1,000 gallons
Minimum Bill Amount:
Rate: $300.00 per fiscal year
Montague & Gill
Rate: $95.00 per 1,000 gallons
Rate: $115.00 per 1,000 gallons
Interest Rate
Rate: 14% per Annum
Demand Charge
Rate: $5.00