Millers Falls Riverfront Public Access


The Millers River Public Access Area provides an access point for paddling, fishing, wildlife viewing, and general enjoyment on municipal property off Newton Street in Millers Falls. The paddlers access is strategically located between two other important public access points on the river and is an important part of the lower Millers River Blueway Trail.


On municipal property located off Newton Street (Between the bridge to IP Mill and the Railroad Bridge) in Millers Falls


The Montague Planning and Conservation Department has received a $25,000 grant from the Department of Conservation and Recreation provide this improvement.


Opened May 2020


The Montague Open Space and Recreation Plan priortizes improving access to Montague's rivers for recreation and conservation. This will be the closest open space to the heart of the village. The lot is currently overgrown and blighted. While the Millers River abuts the village, there are currently no safe public access points. It will be an imporant improvement to the lower Millers River Blueway.