What are the qualifications for Senior Citizen Age 70 (Both Income and Asset requirements) exemption?

The applicant for exemption under MGL Chapter 59 Clause 41C must satisfy requirements relating to age, ownership and domicile, annual income and whole estate or assets:

1) An individual must be 70 years of age or older, or joint owner with a spouse 70 years or older, as of July 1 of the tax year.

2) The individual must own and occupy the property on July 1 of the tax year, and additionally must have been continuously domiciled in Massachusetts for the 10 years preceding the application and have owned and occupied the property or other property in Massachusetts for 5 years.

3) Annual income (gross receipts) cannot exceed $25,868.00 if single or $38,802.oo if married for a Fiscal Year 2012 application. The definition of gross receipts is all income for the calendar year preceding the fiscal year of application.

4) Whole Estate or Assets less the value of the home, except for the value of any portion which exceeds three dwelling units and produces income, cannot exceed $30,394 if single or $32,565 if married for fiscal year 2012.

Not more than one exemption may be granted under Clause 41C on the same parcel.

Exemption amount: $500.00

The value of a person’s cemetery plots, wearing apparel and household furniture and effects kept at the domicile are excluded from the calculation of the person’s whole estate for the purposes of this clause.

An applicant for exemption under Clause 41C must provide to the Board of Assessors whatever information is reasonably required to establish eligibility. This information may include, but is not limited to: 1) Birth certificate; 2) Evidence of domicile and occupancy; 3) Income tax return; 4) Social Security statement; 5) bank statements (savings, checking); 6) Statements of other income or assets, such as stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, trust documents, interest or dividends earned; etc.

Appears in: Personal Exemptions FAQs